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Further reading □ OverviewContents1. Introduction2. The Atlas 1 computer3. Accumulator4. B-Registers5. Routines and directives6. Accumulator (cont)7. Extracodes8. Input and output9. Magnetic tape10. Preparing a complete program11. Monitoring and fault detection12. Further facilities and techniquesAppendices
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ACLLiteratureAtlas manualsAtlas Programming :: ATLAS I COMPUTER PROGRAMMING MANUAL
ACLLiteratureAtlas manualsAtlas Programming :: ATLAS I COMPUTER PROGRAMMING MANUAL
Further reading

1. Introduction
2. The Atlas 1 computer
3. Accumulator
4. B-Registers
5. Routines and directives
6. Accumulator (cont)
7. Extracodes
8. Input and output
9. Magnetic tape
10. Preparing a complete program
11. Monitoring and fault detection
12. Further facilities and techniques


The index registers, or short accumulators, are known as B-registers on Atlas. There are 128 B-registers. 120 of these are constructed from a very fast core store and are used for general purposes. The remaining 8 are flip-flop registers, used for special purposes. The B-registers have addresses from zero to 127, and are referred to by prefixing the address with the letter B or b. Thus B61 is B-register with address 61 and b61 is the contents of this B-register.

4.1 General Purpose B-Registers

These are the first 120 registers BO to B119. Each consists of 24 bits of which the most significant (digit 0) is taken to be the sign digit. For purposes of modification and counting, integers are held one octal place up from the least-significant end of a word, so the binary point is assumed to lie between digits 20 and 21. Thus a B-register can hold a 21-bit signed integer with an octal fraction.

The contents of a B-register are usually written as a signed decimal number and an octal fraction, the two parts separated by a point. Thus 15.3, -2.7, 6.0 etc. When the octal fraction is zero it is usually omitted, the point of course also being omitted. The number in a B-register can take any value in the range -220 to +220 - 0.1 inclusive. An exception is B0, whose contents are always zero.

Programmers are warned to refer to section 4.10 before using B81-119, whose contents are liable to be overwritten.

The basic instructions which operate on B-registers have already been mentioned. They are known as B-codes and B-Test codes, and will now be described in detail.

4.2 Arithmetic Operations

In the following instructions, arithmetic takes place between a 24-bit number in the store and a number in the Ba B-register. The address is modified by the contents of Bm, the other B-register, to give the half-word store address S of the operand. The contents of this are known as s.

Function Description Notation
101 Transfer s to Ba ba' = s
103 Transfer s negatively into Ba ba' = -s
104 Ad s to the contents of Ba ba' = ba + s
102 Subtracts s from ba ba' = ba - s
100 Negate ba and add s to it ba' = -ba + s
111 Store ba negatively at S s' = -ba
113 Store ba at S s' = ba
114 Add ba into the contents of S s' = s + ba
112 Negate the contents of S and add ba s' = -s + ba
110 Subtract ba from the contents of S s' = s - ba

Example: If m is held at address 5.4 and n at 6.4, place 3m-2n at 6, using B1 as working space.

    101    1     0     5.4     transfer m to B1
    113    1     0     6       store m in half-word 6.0
    102    1     0     6.4     m-n in B1
    114    1     0     6       2m-n in 6
    114    1     0     6       3m-2n in 6

There are instructions provided which use the address as an operand. That is, N + bm, instead of giving the address of the operand, is used directly as a number n.

Function Description Notation
121 Place n in Ba ba' = n
123 Place a negatively in Ba ba' = -n
124 Add n to the contents of Ba ba' = ba + n
122 Subtract n from ba ba' = ba - n
120 Negate ba and add n ba' = -ba + n


1. Replace the number m in 17.4 by the number 64 - m

    121    1     0     64     put 64 into B1
    112    1     0     17.4   -m + 64 in 17.4

2. Copy the number in B2 into B3

    121    3     2     0      b3' = 0 + b2

This has the effect of placing 0, modified by the contents of B2, into B3 i.e. places b2 into B3.

3. Similarly, the number in B4, for example, can be doubled by the instruction

    124    4     4     0      b4' = b4 + b4 + 0

4.3 Logical Operations

Three types of logical operations can be carried out in B-register arithmetic. These are collating, non-equivalencing and OR ing. They operate on pairs of numbers simply as strings of binary digits, and form a third number from the pair.

The collate operation, which is denoted by &, gives a 1 in the result in every position where both numbers have a 1, and O's elsewhere. For example, the result of collating

with 01110100
is   00010100

The non-equivalence operation, denoted by neqv gives a 1 in the positions in which the corresponding digits of the two numbers differ, and O's elsewhere.

The result of non-equivalencing

with 01110100
is   01100010

The OR operation, denoted by or, gives 1 in those positions in which either (or both) of the corresponding digits of the two numbers is a 1, and 0's elsewhere.

The result of ORing

with  01110100
is    01110110
Function Description Notation
107 Collate the digits of Ba with the digits of s placing the result in Ba ba' = ba & s
106 Non-equivalence ba with s, placing the result in Ba ba' = ba neqv s
147 OR ba with s, placing the result in Ba ba' = ba or s
117 As 107, but placing the result in S s' = s & ba
116 As 106, but placing the result in S s' = s neqv ba
127 Collate ba with n, placing the result in Ba ba' = ba & n
126 Non-equivalence ba with n, placing the result in Ba ba' = ba neqv n
167 OR ba with n, placing the result in Ba ba' = ba or n


1. Clear the most-significant 17 bits of B99 and leave the other bits unchanged.

    127    99    0     15.7      Collate b99 with a number consisting of
                                 ones in the 7 required positions.

When n is used in this way it is called a mask. It is often inconvenient to have to work out masks as decimal numbers with an octal fraction, so other ways of writing the address are allowed.

For example, if it is required to leave the most-significant 7 bits unchanged and to clear the rest of B99, then the mask required consists of ones in the 7 most-significant positions (0 - 6).

The two letters K and J introduce numbers written in octal notation.

K, followed by up to seven octal digits, positions the number from digit 20 upwards. Thus K 3642 places the number 00036420 in the address position. Octal zero's at the most-significant end may be omitted, and the least-significant octal fraction if present has to be separated from the number by a point. e.g. K5252525.2 fills the address digits with alternate ones and zeros.

J followed by up to eight octal digits, has the effect of compiling these digits from the most-significant end. That is, the first octal digit goes into bits 0 - 2 the next to 3 - 5 etc. Less-significant zeros may be omitted. Thus J142 places the number 14200000 in the address digits.

2. To leave the most-significant 7 bits of B99 unchanged and to clear the other digits

    127    99    0     J771      Collate b99 with a mask consisting of
                                 ones in the top 7 positions.

3. Replace the number in B62 'with a number such that where there are now zeros and where there were zeros there are now ones. This is known as the l' s complement

    127    62    0     J77777777 non-equivalence with a mask consisting of all
                                 ones.  The mask could also be written 
                                 K7777777.7 or -0.1

Forming the 1's complement of' a number is often not so simple as in this example, so the operator '(prime) has been provided. Any number followed by ' is interpreted as the 1's complement of that number. Thus the instruction could have been written

    126    62    0     0' 

There are two other logical instructions on Atlas, and these use bm as a further operand.

Function Description Notation
165 Collate bm with n and place the result in Ba, leaving bm unchanged ba' = ba & n
164 Collate bm with n and add the result into Ba, leaving bm unchanged ba' = ba + (bm& n)

Note: If Bm is B0 in the 164 and 165 instructions, then bm & n gives n rather than O.


Add the 6-bit character in digits 6 - 11 of B1 into B2.

    164    2     1     J0077 

4.4 Test Instructions

The following test instructions test bm, and transfer n into Ba if the test succeeds. n cannot be modified as bm is used. If the test fails, ba is unchanged.

Function Description Notation
214 If bm is zero, place n in Ba If bm = 0, ba' = n
215 If bm is not zero, place n in Ba If bm ≠ 0, ba' = n
216 If bm is greater than or equal to zero, place n in Ba If bm ≥ 0, ba' = n
217 If bm is less than zero, place n in Ba If bm < 0, ba' = n

These tests can be used with any B-registers but are most often used to cause a change of control if a certain condition is satisfied, so the control registers will now be described.

There are three control registers, only one of which is in operation at any given time. These are called main control, extracode control and interrupt control, and are the three special B-registers B127, B126 and B125 respectively. When a program is being obeyed, the address of the current instruction is held in the relevant control register. The control register is increased by one just before the instruction is obeyed in anticipation of the next instruction. Ordinary programs can use only B127.

Unconditional jumps to some address S are effected by placing this address in the control register

    121    127   0     5       causes the following instructions to
                               be taken from location 5 onwards 

Example: Two numbers a and b are in locations 14 and 14.4. A program which requires these numbers is in locations from 100.

If a < 0, b ≥ 0 enter this program at register 100

If a < 0, b < 0 enter this program at register 101

If a ≥ 0, b ≥ 0 enter this program at register 102

If a ≥ 0, b < 0 enter this program at register 103

The program is 7 instructions long; let it occupy the first 7 registers of store.

Register       Contents
0        101    1     0     14      place a in B1
1        101    2     0     14.4    place b in B2
2        216    127   1     5       if a ≥ 0, jump to register 5
3        217    127   2     101     if b < 0, jump to 101
4        121    127   0     100     if not, a < 0, b ≥ 0 so jump to 100
5        216    127   2     102      if a ≥ 0, b ≥ 0, jump to 102
6        121    127   0     103      if not, a ≥ 0, b < 0, so jump to 103                                                                                                                                 

When writing a program it is helpful to show the possible routes of jumps with arrows. Unconditional jumps are often underlined to indicate a definite break in control.

4.5 Special Purpose B-registers B120-B127

Although it is not necessary for the ordinary programmer to know about many of these special-purpose B-registers, details of them are given here for the sake of completeness.

It has been mentioned that there are three control registers, B125, B126 and B127, which are called interrupt control (I), extracode control (E) and main control (M) respectively. Ordinary programs use B127, and are prevented from having access to the subsidiary store and V-store.

Interrupt control is used in short routines within the Supervisor, which mainly deal with peripheral equipments. These routines are entered automatically whenever any peripheral equipment needs attention, e.g. when a tape reader has read a character. Occasionally the Supervisor will need to enter relatively longer routines to deal with the cause of interruption, e.g. on completion of the input of a paper tape. Whilst in interrupt control, further interrupts are not possible, so control is switched to extracode whenever the Supervisor enters a more lengthy routine. Both I and E control allow the Supervisor access to all the machine, but extracode control programs can also be interrupted and restarted in the same way as ordinary programs.

Extracode control is also used when any of the 300 or so subroutine in the fixed store are being obeyed. These subroutines have automatic entry and exit and are known as extracodes. When an extracode instruction is encountered, the relevant subroutine entry is placed in B126 and control switched to E. After the final subroutine instruction, control is reswitched to M which holds the address of the next program instruction. (The current control register is always increased by one before the instruction is obeyed.)

B124 has been introduced as the accumulator exponent ay. It consists of only the 9 most significant digits (0-8) the remaining 15 being always zero. Exponent arithmetic can be carried out by using B-code instructions. When this is done care must be taken to position exponents correctly in the digit positions 1-8 and to set the guard digit (bit 0) correctly.


    121    124   0     J004    sets the exponent to +4

B123 is a B-register with the special property that a number read from it, instead of being the number last written to it, is the characteristic of the logarithm to base two of the eight least-significant digits of that number.

         Input to B123                           Output from B123
Digits 0-15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23    0-16  17  18  19  20  21-23
x            0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1      0    0   0   0   0     0
x            0   0   0   0   0   0   1   x      0    0   0   0   1     0
x            0   0   0   0   0   1   x   x      0    0   0   1   0     0
x            0   0   0   0   1   x   x   x      0    0   0   1   1     0
x            0   0   0   1   x   x   x   x      0    0   1   0   0     0
x            0   0   1   x   x   x   x   x      0    0   1   0   1     0
x            0   1   x   x   x   x   x   x      0    0   1   1   0     0
x            1   x   x   x   x   x   x   x      0    0   1   1   1     0
x            0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0      0    1   0   0   0     0

Using B123, the Supervisor can identify the exact cause of an interrupt as a result of obeying from two to six instructions.

The programmer cannot use B123 directly because of the danger of an intervening interrupt which would alter the contents before they could be read out. A similar warning applies to B125, B126 and to all the B-registers B100-B118.

B122 and B121 are again B-registers provided with special circuitry. Their function is to allow indirect addressing and modification of the Ba operand in an instruction.

B121 behaves as a normal B-register except that it consists of only seven digits (15-21), the remaining bits being always zero. These seven bits allow B121 to hold any of the numbers 0, 0.4, 1, 1.4, ...'. up to 63.4. When B121 is used in conjunction with B122 its contents are interpreted as the address of a B-register in the range 0-127. That is, 0.4 =B1, 1 =B2, ...... up to 63.4 =B127, the B-register address starting from digit 15.

B122 is called the B-substitution register, which gives an indication of its function. When B122 is encountered as Ba in an instruction:

  1. the contents of B121 are taken as a B-register address, Bx say.
  2. the instruction is then obeyed as if the B-register specified in the Ba position was Bx.

A few examples will make this clearer.

Example 1

    121    121   0     J8.4       sets b121 = B17 address
    121    122   0     1          will place the number 1 in B17

Example 2

It is required to copy the contents of B87 into B8O, B76, B72 and so on (every fourth B-register) leaving the other B-registers unchanged.

This could be done by the sequence of instructions

    121    80    87    0          copy B87 into B80
    121    76    87    0          copy B87 into B80
    121    72    87    0          copy B87 into B80
    121    68    87    0          copy B87 into B80

etc ...... for 19 instructions in all but by using B121 and B122 we can write a short loop of instructions.

6        121    121   0     40      set address of B80 in B121
7        121    122   87    0       copy b87; into B80 first time
                                    B76 second time etc.
8        122    121   0     2       subtract 4 from the B-address
9        215    127   121   7       if B121 ≠ 0, jump to the
                                    instruction in location 7

When b121 = 0 the jump does not take place, and the program proceeds to the next instruction.

B121 and B122 play an important part in the extracodes. When an extracode instruction is met, just before control is switched to extracode, the Ba digits in the instruction are copied into B121. This allows the extracode routine to operate on Ba by using B122. B-register 119 is also set up in a special way when an extracode instruction is met, to enable the extracode routine to obtain the store operand involved. This is described later.

In between a program's extracode instructions the programmer is able to use B121, B122 as he likes, but caution must be exercised to avoid inadvertent over-writing of their contents when an extracode instruction is called for.

B122 only operates as the B-substitution register when it is in the Ba digits of an instruction. In the two other circumstances possible, its value is zero. These are:

  1. Bm specified as B122
        121    1     122   0          always put zero in B1
  2. Using B122 as Ba when the contents of B121 are 61, i.e. B121 is pointing at B122
        121    121   0     61         set b121 = B122
        113    122   0     100        writes the number zero into store
                                      location 100

Any number written into B120 is displayed as 24 digits on neon lamps on the engineers console. Thus:-

    121    120   0     J52525252         displays alternate ones and zeros

The engineers console is not normally available for use by the programmer.

Whenever it is attempted to read from B120, the number read out is always zero.

4.6 Modification/Counting Instructions

The technique of modification has already been introduced.

In Atlas instructions, the contents of any of the B-registers not directly concerned in the operation may be used to modify the address. Thus, the instruction

    324    0     3     100    

copies the ocontents of location (100 + b3) into the accumulator (and standardises the result).

Suppose we have 20 unstandardised floating-point numbers stored in locations 100-119, and it is required to standardise these numbers and restore them in the same locations. A program to do this might be as follows:-

10    121    3     0     19     set 19 in B3
11    324    0     3     100    am' = s, standardised
12    356    0     3     100    s' = am
13    122    3     0     1      subtract 1 from b3
14    216    127   3     11     jump to location 11 if b3 ≥ 0

B3 is used as the modifier and to ensure that the loop is cycled 20 times. This latter process, counting, is of such frequent occurrence that eight basic counting instructions have been provided.

The most important of these are:-

Function Description Notation
200 If the contents of Bm are non-zero, add 0.4 into Bm and place n in Ba. If bm = 0, bm and ba are unchanged. If bm ≠ 0, bm' = bm + 0.4
and ba' = n
201 As 200 but increase bm by 1 If bm ≠ 0, bm' = bm + 1
and ba' = n
202 If bm is non-zero, subtract 0.4 from it and plaoe n in Ba If bm ≠ 0, bm' = bm - 0.4
and ba' = n
203 As 202 but subtract 1 from bm If bm ≠ 0, bm' = bm - 1
and ba' = n

Note: About instructions 200, 201, 202, 203 : If Ba and Bm are the same B-line and the test succeeds, its final contents are n. If Bm is B127 (and Ba is not), these instructions Give an unpredictable result.

The last two instructions in the example above would be replaced by

    203    127   3     11     If b3 ≠ 0, b3' = b3 -1 and  b127' = 11.
                              i.e. jump back with b3 reduced by one.


1. At the addresses 50-99.4 inclusive there are 100 half-words. Find how many of these numbers are zero and leave the answer in B7.

0    121    7     0     0      start count of numbers = 0
1    121    2     0     49.4   set count/modifier in B2
2    101    3     2     50     number to B3
3    215    127   3     5      jump to 5 if b3 ≠ 0
4    124    7     0     1      if b3 = 0, add 1 to b7
5    202    127   2     2      count

2. To clear the B-registers B1 to B100

0    121    121   0     50     set count/modifier in B122
1    121    122   0     0      clear B100 first time, then B99 etc.
2    202    127   121   1      count reducing b121 by 0.4 each
                               time and jump back

4.7 The B-test Register

The B-test register Bt consists of two digits only.

When a number is written to Bt, one of these digits is set to show whether the number is = 0 or ≠ 0, and the other to show whether it is ≥ 0 or < O.

Instructions are provided to write numbers to Bt, to test the above mentioned conditions, and to count. These are:-

Function Description Notation
152 Set the B-test register by writing to it the contents of Ba minus the contents of S. ba and s are unchanged. bt' = ba - s
150 Set Bt by writing s minus ba to it. s and ba are unchanged. bt' = s - ba
172 Set Bt by writing ba minus n to it. bt' = ba - n
170 Set Bt by writing n minus ba to it. bt' = n- ba
224 If Bt is set equal to zero place n in Ba. If bt = 0, ba' = n
225 If Bt is set not equal to zero place n in Ba If bt ≠ 0, ba' = n
226 If Bt is set greater than or equal to zero, place n in Ba If bt ≥ 0, ba' = n
227 If Bt is set less than zero, place n in Ba If bt < 0, ba' = n
220 If Bt is set non-zero, place n in Ba and add 0.4 to bm. If Bt is set zero, do nothing If bt ≠ 0, bm' = bm + 0.4 and ba' = n
221 If bt ≠ 0, place n in Ba and add 1 to bm If bt ≠ 0, bm' = bm + 1 and ba' = n
222 As 220 but subtract 0.4 from bm If bt ≠ 0, bm' = bm - 0.4 and ba' = n
223 As 221 but subtract 1 If bt ≠ 0, bm' = bm - 1 and ba' = n

Note: In instructions 220, 221, 222, 223, if Ba and Bm are the same B-line and the test succeeds, its final contents are n. If Bm is B127 (but Ba is not), these instructions give an unpredictable result.

Bt is not directly addressed; Bt instructions are recognised by the function digits. The instructions to set Bt are useful for comparing numbers, as the operands are not altered.

The conditional transfer instructions, 224-227 are used to cause a conditional jump, and as bm does not take part in the instructions it can be used to modify n, giving a. modified address for the conditional jump.


In 100 to 199.4 inclusive there are 200 half-words. Find the lowest address of this range which contains the number -3 and store this in 99.4. If no such number exists, set 99.4 = -0.1

0    121    1     0     -3       set required number in B1
1    121    2     0     100      first address in B2
2    152    1     2     0        bt' = ba - s
3    224    127   0     7        jump if bt = 0, i.e. s = -3
4    170    2     0     199.4    bt' = 199.4 - ba
5    220    127   2     2        if bt ≠ 0,
                                 b2' = b2 + 0.4, jump back
6    121    2     0     -0.1     if search fails, set -0.1
7    113    2     0     99.4     store result

4.8 The Shifting Instructions

Four instructions are provided which shift the number in Ba. These shifts are either of six places up or of one place down, and are circular shifts. That is, digits which are shifted out of the register at one end re-appear at the other end.

The main purpose of these instructions is to assist in the manipulation of 6-bit characters and to provide ways of shifting ba any specified number of places.

Function Description Notation
105 Shift ba up 6 places, copying the initial 6 most-significant bits into the least-significant 6 bits, then add s into ba ba' = 26 ba + s, (circular shift)
125 Shift ba as in 105, then add n ba' = 26 ba + n, (circular shift)
143 Shift ba down one place, copying the initial least-significant digit into the new most-significant position, then subtract s ba' = 2-1 ba - s, (circular shift)
163 Shift ba as in 143, then subtract n ba' = 2-1 ba - n, (circular shift)

These basic instructions are intended to be used by extracodes which provide more useful shift functions.

4.9 The Odd/Even Test Instructions

Two further test instructions can be used to test the least-significant bit of Bm. These instructions can be used, for example, to identify a character address.

Function Description Notation
210 If the least-significant bit in Bm is a one, place n in Ba If bm is odd, ba' = n
211 If the least-significant bit in Bm is a zero, place n in Ba If bm is even, ba' = n

Note particularly that it is the very least-significant bit that is tested, and that if Bm contains an address these instructions do not detect whether the address refers to an even or odd numbered word in the store, but rather whether it refers to an even or odd numbered character within the word.


B1 contains a character address, A.k say. Place this character in digits 18 to 23 (character position 3) of B2 and clear the rest of B2 (digits 0 to 17)

0    101    2     1     0        Read the half-word into B2
1    210    127   1     3        Jump if k is .1 or .3 in the half word
2    125    2     0     0        shift up and around six places
3    163    1     1     0        shift b1 down and round one place,
                                 then subtract the original contents
                                 of b11 from this. This makes b1 even,
                                 if k is .0 or .3
4    211    127   1     7        jump if k=.0 or .3 in half-word
5    125    2     0     0        shift up 12 bits, circularly. The
6    125    2     0     0        required character is now in c3 of B2
7    127    2     0     7.7      clear the unwanted digits

A similar program to this is obeyed, under extracode control, when the programmer specifies extracode 1250.

    1250   Ba    Bm     S    

places character s in Ba, clearing the other digits of Ba. So the example above would be simply achieved by

    1250   2     1      0    

4.10 Restrictions on the Use of B-registers

Although B81-B119 were included in section 4.1 as general purpose B-registers, they are of limited utility for the ordinary programmer, since they are each used by one or more of the system routines which may assume control during the running of the object program. Before using any of these B-registers, the B-test register, the substitution register, or the B-carry digit, the programmer must check to see that there is no danger of their contents being overwritten before he has finished with them.

The routines which use these B-registers are as follows:-

B81-89 Library routines
B90 Return link from library routines
B91-97 Extracodes
B98-99 The logical Accumulator and some less common extracodes
B100-110 Supervisor
B111-118 Interrupt routines
B119 Extracode operand address
B121, 122 Extracodes, library routines
Bt, Bc Extracodes, library routines

It should be noted that the library routines may use extracodes. This means that when library programs are in use, no B-line above B80 should be used (except for B90). Provided no reference is made to library routines, B81 - B90 may be freely used. Similarly B81 to B99, B119, B121, B122, Bt and Bc are safe to use when neither extracodes nor library routines are in use. It is never safe for an ordinary program to use B100-B118, since an interrupt can occur at any time and cause control to be transferred to the Supervisor.

4.11 The B-carry digit

When any one of the four addition codes

    104                  ba' = ba + s
    114                  s'  = ba + s
    124                  ba' = ba + n
    164                  ba' = ba + (bm & n)

is used to add two 24-bit quantities, bit 23 of line 6 of the V-store is set to 1 if there is a carry from the addition.

Thus for example the addition of any two 24-bit numbers whose left-most bit is a 1 sets the B-carry digit to one. If there is no carry, the B-carry digit is set to 0. When an ABL program is entered the B-carry digit is clear.

The singly-modified extracode 1223 loads Ba with n if the B-carry digit is set to 1 and does nothing if it is not set. (The extracode does not affect the state of the B-carry digit.) The following example uses 1223 to add B1 to B2 and then add the carry, if any, to the bottom of B3. Thus the contents of B1 and B2 are here regarded as 24-bit positive integers whose double length sum is placed in B3 and B2 with the most significant half in B3.


    124    2     1     0        
    1223   3     3     Y1        

Similarly each of the ten instructions

      100      ba' = s - ba          102      ba' = ba - s
      110      s'  = s - ba          112      s'  = ba - s
      120      ba' = n - ba          122      ba' = ba - n
      150      bt' = s - ba          152      bt' = ba - s
      170      ba' = n - ba          172      bt' = ba - n

set the B-carry digit to 1 when, regarded as 24-bit positive integers, a larger number is subtracted from a smaller. Otherwise these codes set B-carry to zero. For example, the B-carry digit is set to 1 by the instruction 172, 0, 0, 1.


In the previous example b1 was added to b2 and the double length sum held in B3 and B2. The following two instructions would subtract b1 off again from the double length sum.

    122    2     1     0        
    1223   3     3     -Y1        
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