In June 2000, Bob Hopgood opened the new W3C Office in Brisbane and then went on to Cairns to give a talk at Ausweb 2000 on the importance of W3C and its influence on the Web. While in Brisbane, he happened to buy a CD with the song Roadtrains by Andy Collins. He decided to add something local to his Ausweb talk by writing a trivial SMIL presentation which was dependent on photographs of Australian roadtrains and the audio track of Roadtrains that was available on Andy Collins web site.

It was much appreciated by the audience and a friend of Andy's told him and he agreed to the continued use of his audio track and also a later video called Pascoe River.

A version with the Roadtrains font was shown at AusWeb 2003 (May 2003) at Sanctuary Cove as part of a talk by Bob Hopgood entitled Animation and the Web.