This sections contains some examples of SVG declarative animations that were developed originally in the early days of computer animation and are redefined here in SVG.

  • Antics: some examples of the basic functions used in the early version of Antics
  • Random Walk: Tony Pritchett's film used by the BBC to show the random walk of a molecule
  • Finite Elements: the Chilton film on the Finite Elements method that was defined in Antics, producer: Jean Crow, animation: Alan Kitching and Colin Emmett, sound track: Peter Hadingham produced on the SC4020 at the Atlas Computer Lab, Chilton
  • Flexipede: Tony Pritchett's early animation of a Flexipede produced on the BL120 microfilm recorder at Culham Laboratory
  • Butterflies: Tony Pritchett's standard test for his GRAM system when it was ported to a new computer
  • CAMPER Aeroplane: the Piper aeroplane was an early example of what was possible with Woody Anderson's CAMPER system
  • GROATS: animation describing the Atlas Algol graphics system. Film shown at UAIDE 1969
  • Syntactic Dominoes: animation using GROATS describing types of syntactic analysis
  • Linear Hash Audio: animation with audio using GROATS and a VCS3 to provide a synchronised soundtrack
  • Linear Hash Random: animation with a set of random numbers