There is almost no occasion where there is any advantage in using the attributes from and to.

For most animations involving objects that move it is very likely that you will need to identify several intermediate positions.

For example, any kind of figure animation is likely to have a cycle of 8 or 12 separate positions which will result in a values list of a minimum of 8 or 9 separate values. If the action is at all complex, the values list is likely to be much longer. For example, here is a horse and rider moving away from the viewer. Because the path is at an angle and the action is moving away from the viewer, the values list consists of 75 different values. An example is:

<animate attributeName="d"  
fill="freeze" begin="w18strt4.end" dur="4s" xlink:href="#w18strt5p32" />

78 of these path definitions each having 75 values are required to move the horse and rider a short distance in this gallop.

The way forward is never use from and to as almost certainly there will come a time when you have to switch to using values lists.