This transformation establishes the bounding box of a curve. One limitation of the transformation is that it does not handle arcs so it is necessary to first remove arcs:

java -jar saxon6.jar  -o t5.xml t4.xml            library/remove_arc.xsl decplaces=1
java -jar saxon6.jar  -o t6.xml t5.xml            library/curve_box.xsl
java -jar saxon6.jar  -o t7.xml t6.xml            library/bounding_box.xsl
java -jar saxon6.jar  -o bounding_box.svg t7.xml  library/back_to_svg.xsl mode=abs

The transformation curve_box defines bounding boxes for each line or cubic. This is followed by bounding_box that draws a bounding box around the object.

Figure 25.1: Example of bounding_box output