CAMPER ( Computer Aided Movie PERspectives) was an early 3D Computer Animation System developed by Woody Anderson for his Masters Thesis at Syracuse University in 1967. It initially ran on an IBM 1130. It was declarative in style and aimed at non-programmers. It consisted of a library of basic wire-frame shapes and the user could create objects from the basic shapes. Both the objects and viewing position could be animated. This was early on and so was defined as a deck of 80-column computer cards!

Below is a program that uses the box and cross basic shapes to create a clock on a wire. The variables 1 and 2 are incremented to define different views as the time increases and the clock rotates. Variable usage is defined by 901 and 902 in a command. We will not go into to details but it gives you a flavour of what CAMPER was like. If you are interested a Manual for the system still exists.

NUORG      1.       .5                                      SET 3D ORIGIN
BOX  2  1. 4.       4.        4.                            SET UP A BOX IN S2
TNSFR1  10 1.       8.        2.        1.        1.        TRANSFER FRONT + TOP
SETCV1  2  4.       4.        0.                            RIGHT SIDE
EXPAR1  2  4.       0.        0.                            
EXPAR1  2  4.       0.        4.                            
CROSS1  3  0.       4.        4.        4.                  SET UP A CROSS
YZROT1  3  4.       4.        -90.                          ON TOP OF CUBE
SETLN1  4  2.       4.        2.                            SET UP SUSPENDING
EXPAR1  4  2.       7.        2.                            WIRE
MULTV    1 0.                                               CLEAR VAR 1
ADDV     1 25.                                              VAR1 OVER 25 DEGREES
MULTV    2 0.                                               CLEAR VAR 2
ADDV     2 12.25                                            VAR2 TIME=12.25
MULTV    3 0.                                               CLEAR VAR 3
ADDV     3 1.0                                              
DO         4.                                               
CLOCK1  5  2.       2.        4.        1.5       902.      SET UP A NEW CLOCK
SDRAW1  0  901.     30.       15.       2.                  DRAW A FIGURE
ADDV     1 10.                                              OVER = OVER + 10 DEG
ADDV     2 .25                                              TIME = TIME + 15 MIN                                          

animated clocks

Figure 2.1: CAMPER Animated Frames

An example from an original CAMPER system is shown below.

Figure 2.2: CAMPER Aeroplane (from a Woody Anderson CAMPER film)

The two main objects built in the the system are the set of basic shapes and a single font illustrated below.

Figure 2.3: Example of Basic Shapes (Circle, Triangle, Cross, Box, Rectangle)

Figure 2.4: 3D Font