SVG also allows arc to be used as commands in a path description. As you need to define the end point, the method of specification is not completely obvious.

The arc command has seven parameters:

M0,0 A rx, ry, rot, lgf, swf, x,y

It draws an arc of an ellipse from the current position to (x,y) where (rx,ry) are the radii of the ellipse.

The ellipse can be rotated about the centre by the angle rot.

In many cases there are four possible arcs, large or small and clockwise or anticlockwise.

If lgf=0 the small arc is chosen; if lgf=1 the large arc is chosen.

If swf=0 the clockwise arc is chosen; if swf=1 the anticlockwise arc is chosen.

The figure below shows all four of the arcs possible with the selcted one highlighted. Clicking on the cyan links shows the effects.

M0,0 A rx 200 ry 90 rot 0 rot 0 0 0 0 0 lgf cwf x 150 x 150 y 150 y 150 lgf = 1: large arc cwf = 1: clockwise rx, ry, rot too small: scale the ellipse