<xsl:stylesheet ... > 
<xsl:template  match =" * " >
    <xsl:apply-templates />
<xsl:template match=" thought " >
    <title><xsl:value-of  select =" title " /><title>
  <xsl:apply-templates  select =" author " />
  <body><xsl:value-of select=" body " /><body>
<xsl:template match=" author " >
   <xsl:text>The author is: </xsl:text>
   <xsl:value-of select=" . " />


  • XSLT is crucially dependent on XPath for many functions
  • XPath defines patterns for the match attribute of xsl:template:
    <xsl:template match="thought/author" >
  • XPath defines expressions for the select attribute of xsl:apply-templates:
    <xsl:apply-templates select="author" />
  • XPath defines expressions for the select attribute of xsl:value-of:
    <creator><xsl:value-of select="author" />
  • We will see that many template instructions also use XPath
  • XPath expressions can yield values of type:
    • Node-set (collection of nodes)
    • Boolean value
    • Number
    • String
  • Expression evaluation often occurs with respect to a context node
    <xsl:template match="author">
    ..... context node is the author node being processed
    <xsl:value-of select="."/>  Selects the contents of the context node
    <xsl:value-of select="@xyz"/>  The xyz attribute of the context node


  • An example to show what XPath can do
  • A hierarchy of nodes where each element either contains other elements or is empty
  • There are no text nodes
<aaa><bbb><bbb><bbb><aa><aa><a /><g /><h /><h /></aa></aa></bbb>
<ccc><ccc /><ddd><ccc><aa /><bb><aa><h /><c /><e /><h /><e /><e />
<h /></aa><cc /><cc><g /><g /><f /><e /><f /></cc>
</bb><bb /></ccc><ccc /><ddd /></ddd><ccc /></ccc><ddd><ddd /></ddd>
<ccc><bbb /><ccc><ddd><cc /><cc><cc /><cc><h /><h /><e /><f /></cc>
<bb /><dd /></cc><dd /><dd /><ee><dd><f /><f /><f /><d /><g /><c /></dd>
</ee><ee /><ee /></ddd><ddd />
<eee><ff /><ff><ee /><ee><e /><e /><h /><f /><c /><h /><c /><d /></ee>
<ee /><dd><b /><c /><d /><d /><d /><d /></dd>
<cc /><aa /><bb /></ff><ee /><ee /><dd /></eee><ddd />
</ccc><eee /></ccc>
<bbb><bbb><eee><cc><bb><g /><e /><e><h /><h />
<f /><f /><c /><f /><f /><h /></e><f /><c />
XPath expression Denotes Current Node Denotes Selected Nodes root aaa bbb ccc ddd ccc bbb bbb ccc ddd ccc ddd bbb ccc eee bbb bbb ccc ccc ddd ddd ddd eee ddd eee aa aa bb bb cc cc dd dd ee ee ee ff ff ee ee dd cc aa aa cc cc cc cc bb dd dd ee ee ee dd cc aa bb bb a g h h g g f e f f f f d g c b c d d d d g e e f c h c e h e e h h h e f e e h f c h c d h h f f c f f h

You can search up and down the tree for nodes to change using various axes:

context (self) child descendant parent ancestor preceding preceding-sibling following following-sibling root aaa bbb ccc ddd ccc bbb bbb ccc ddd ccc ddd bbb ccc eee bbb bbb ccc ccc ddd ddd ddd eee ddd eee aa aa bb bb cc cc dd dd ee ee ee ff ff ee ee dd cc aa aa cc cc cc cc bb dd dd ee ee ee dd cc aa bb bb a g h h g g f e f f f f d g c b c d d d d g e e f c h c e h e e h h h e f e e h f c h c d h h f f c f f h

Starting from the highlighted cc node, something like this will select just the two c nodes at the bottom. XPath is a very powerful system for just changing the things that need to be changed.

Denotes Context Node Denotes Selected Nodes root aaa bbb ccc ddd ccc bbb bbb ccc ddd ccc ddd bbb ccc eee bbb bbb ccc ccc ddd ddd ddd eee ddd eee aa aa bb bb cc cc dd dd ee ee ee ff ff ee ee dd cc aa aa cc cc cc cc bb dd dd ee ee ee dd cc aa bb bb a g h h g g f e f f f f d g c b c d d d d g e e f c h c e h e e h h h e f e e h f c h c d h h f f c f f h " .. / following-sibling::eee / descendant::dd / preceding-sibling::ee / child::c "

XPath expressions get used for a variety of purposes in XSLT:

  • XPath is a powerful tool for selecting which nodes to operate
  • Used in four ways:
    1. match attribute determines which nodes a template applies to
    2. test attribute determines whether a condition applies
    3. select attribute selects a set of nodes for processing
    4. select attribute selects a value for processing
  • XPath and XSLT functions defined to aid XPath in these activities