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Further reading

Computer animation in educational television
Flexipede revisited
GRAphic Macrogenerator (GRAM) for the OU
Random Walk revisited

Software -- Overview

On the 26 February 2016, Tony Pritchett visited the Atlas Computer Laboratory where he had worked, off-and-on, in the 1970s and 80s; he was accompanied by several friends and colleagues, including animator Kate Sullivan. Sadly, Tony died about 18 months later on the 28 August 2017, but Kate was fortunate enough to inherit the contents of his studio.

Amongst the items found in Tony's studio are original computer punched cards, paper tape and program listings from his various projects for the Open University, Ridley Scott's films Alien and Blade Runner, Martin Lambie-Nairn and Colin Robinson's design for the Channel 4 logo, and for what is probably the world's first computer-animated character film Flexipede. This section describes the "software archaeology" work done by Kate together with Profs Bob Hopgood and David Duce, Dik Leatherdale, Terry Froggatt and Victoria Marshall to understand the contents of the studio and, in some cases, recreate Tony's programs.

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