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Further reading

Graphics Packages
Video Facility
Graphics Manual
GKS User Guide
High Level




GINO-F is a package of drawing and administrative routines produced by the Computer Aided Design Centre (CADC) at Cambridge, England. It is supported on the IBM central computers primarily to provide compatibility with other installations that support GINO-F. It is available to users running batch programs under the OS/MVT system (see F1), and to users of the VM/CMS system (where the package can be used interactively, though at present it does not allow graphical input (see F2). These are RAL implementations, and are quite independent of those on ICF machines which are supplied via agents for GEC and Prime (see G2).

The GINO-F routines are FORTRAN callable from the user's batch program with all the information required by GINO-F being conveyed via subroutine arguments. A modular structure means that only the routines required by the program are loaded.

The package is basic and so imposes no data structure, nor is it biased towards any particular application.


GINO-F provides facilities for producing graphical output ranging from two-dimensional graphs to complex three-dimensional interactive systems. Facilities are provided for:-


There is no conflict between routine names in GINO-F and those in SMOG or MUGWUMP. All GINO-F internal routines and COMMON blocks are of the form GINOnn or GFnnnn where n can be any alphanumeric character.


GINOGRAF is an applications package from CADC to be used in conjunction with GINO-F and has facilities for producing graphs, histograms, bar charts and pie charts by two different methods. With the first method, the graph is produced by a simple, single call routine which automatically performs all the scaling and annotation. With the second, the graph is built up from a series of routines which allow the user to define each aspect of the graph and axis system independently. A set of defaults is available for items not explicitly set by the user program.

The routines will be found in the same library as the GINO-F routines (see Fl or F2). The internal routines all have six-letter names starting with GG.

The applications packages GINOZONE and GINOSURF are not supported, nor is GINO-2D.


We do not supply the manuals; the GINO-F User Manual and the GINOGRAF User Manual can be obtained from The Computer Aided Design Centre, Madingly Road, Cambridge.


For the device nomination routines that can be called in the user programs, see the relevant chapter of part F of this guide. Device-independent code generators can be selected by calling either SAVDRA or SAVPIC (see the GINO-F User Manual, Issue 2/A4, pages C/11 and C/12). The DEBUG intermediate code generator is also available. No titling is done, so calling DEVHEA has no effect. See Chapter H2 for device characteristics and Chapters F1 or F2 for the necessary JCL or terminal commands to run jobs.

For the implementations on the IBM computers, if graphics output is destined for the FR80 (whether a real device or a pseudo-device has been nominated), the GINO-F routine PENSEL can be used with modified meanings of the arguments to specify beam colour, number of strikes, and intensity:


See Section B6.1 for the meanings and the permissable values of the arguments. If RLGINO is nominated, calls to PENDEF and to PENEND are ignored; DEVICE must not be called.


In many cases the limited resolution and lack of line drawing facilities make a lineprinter unsuitable for graphics work. In such cases a device providing full graphics facilities should be used. For immediate results, the MUGWUMP picture filestore is used. Pictures produced by a user's job are stored on disk as they are produced and may be viewed (as soon as the job has finished) at any MAST terminal that supports graphics (eg Tektronix 4000 series and Computek). This system is described briefly in C7.2.2. Two packages may be used by this means: MUGWUMP and SMOG. (Note that MUGWUMP is both the name of the filestore and the graphics package).

MUGWUMP is not suitable for high precision permanent output, nor for large quantities of output, since the only direct method of producing permanent copies is by means of the 'hard-copy' devices attached to the terminals. These copies have limited resolution, accuracy, contrast and permanence.

G2.1 MUGWUMP and MAST graphics terminals

The central computer system has many terminals attached to it, a number of which have full graphics output facilities. Typical of these are the Tektronix 4000 series (4002, 4010, 4012 and 4014) and the Computek 400. These are all 'storage tube' displays, that is, a picture once written to them is stored on the screen. These are excellent devices for displaying graphical output, especially at remote sites.

The MUGWUMP system provides a facility for storing pictures produced by user programs. By calling MUGWUMP routines directly (see C7.3.5) or through one of the interfaces such as VIEW$ (see C7.3.6), graphics orders are stored in a file in the MUGWUMP filestore. This filestore is on a permanently mounted disk. There are Electric commands (LIST, FIND, INDEX, SCRATCH) to locate, examine, view and scratch a graphics file. The files are stored as separate frames of output and commands allow the user to look through the file, either continuously or selecting frames of interest. A graphics file remains in the MUGWUMP system until the user scratches it, or the system notices that it has not been accessed for 7 days when it will be automatically scratched.

Full details of how to use the MUGWUMP system are given in Part 3 of the Electric Manual; the MUGWUMP routines package is summarized in C7.3.5. The way in which the extra ELECTRIC commands are used is also in Part 3 of the ELECTRIC manual. Procedure VIEW$, which produces a MUGWUMP file from a disk or tape file containing FR80 orders, is described in appendix 6 of the SMOG System manual. Details of procedure ELFR80, which provides a means of reproducing MUGWUMP pictures on the FR80 (and also of combining MUGWUMP files) is given in Part 3 of the ELECTRIC manual.


The MUGWUMP system was written at RL to support online graphics terminals by means of the Electric system. Pictures produced by user programs are stored in MUGWUMP's filing system, and may be looked at subsequently by Electric commands from a graphics terminal. A complete description of the commands is given in the Electric manual, Part 3, and there is a summary of all the commands on the Electric reference card.

The pictures are created by Fortran callable routines which provide functions like vector drawing, point plotting, axes generation and labelling, text string output, histogram production and crude 3-dimensional plotting. The MUGWUMP system is described in Part 3 of the ELECTRIC manual (Second edition January 1977). The routines are available on automatic call from library SYS1.MUGWUMP. Details of the JCL for MUGWUMP are in the ELECTRIC manual.

Facilities exist for interchange of pictures between the MUGWUMP and FR80 packages as described in Electric Users Manual Part 3. This includes documentation of VIEW$ and ELFR80.


The POLYGRAPHICS package uses SMOG low level routines and thus produces FR80 output.

POLYGRAPHICS is a comprehensive graphics system which was implemented 0n the RL195 system by Atlas. All the Polygraphics routines are in the auto-call library SYSl.POLYGRAF, so programs may be run using SYSLIB='SYS1.POLYGRAF' on the EXEC statement. VIEW$ may be used to create MUGWUMP files from the POLYGRAPHICS package. The POLYGRAPHICS Users Manual is available from the Computer Librarian. Note that support of POLYGRAPHICS is now frozen: the SMOG library at RL contains routines with almost all the POLYGRAPHICS facilities that have been used at RL.

G2.4 Packages not available

The IBM graphics systems using 2250 displays (GSP) and GAM are not generated on or supported by the RL 195's.

The GROATS package from Atlas is not available, since it is written in and compatible with Algol, which is not supported at RL on the 195's.

The GHOST and BLPLOT systems available at AERE and Culham (to mention but two) are not available at RL.

The CAMP and CAMPER systems from Atlas, towards film-making, which were mostly oriented are not available.

The SC4020 package was replaced by the SCFOR system, for which support has now been frozen.

No Calcomp devices or packages are supported at RL.

The SPROGS package from ATLAS is not available.


G3.1 Introduction

A user wishing to produce graphical output must first decide on the form in which he wants it. In many cases a lineprinter graph or histogram is sufficient, and is very easy to produce. The various systems for this are listed in C7.2.1, and details of the packages are given in paragraphs C7.3.1 to C7.3.4. The output is produced with the user's standard lineprinter output and therefore is available quickly. The easiest to use are PLOT1 and HIST1. Of the more complex facilities described, ENPLOT is the smallest and fastest, and is often sufficient.

HBOOK is a larger system, which provides correspondingly more flexible facilities, particularly in the field of displaying the results. HBOOK also has the advantage of an integrated interface to a graphics system - HPLOT. SUMX is the most comprehensive system, allowing histograms to be accumulated on disk when main storage is exhausted. It has a vast number of facilities, but lacks an integrated graphics interface; there is however a means of outputting the histogram data to disk, and creating MUGWUMp pictures from the disk data.

Although the lineprinter is a very crude graphical device, for many situations where a simple graph or histogram is required it is perfectly adequate. In general no JCL changes or additions are needed, except perhaps the addition of an extra DD card specifying a printer.

RHELIB contains two useful routines for quick graphs and histograms. See CIGAR Part E, routines GR/3 to GR/7 for details, and C7.3.1 for a summary of the facilities.

Many packages exist at RL (ENPLOT - C7.3.2, SUMX - C7.3.3, HBOOK C7.3.4) for the definition, generation and output of histograms and scatter plots: although many of them now have interfaces into one or more of the full graphics systems, they all originated as lineprinter systems. These packages are all extensively used at RL.

For the SMOG package (which is primarily for full graphics output) there is an interpreter called LPGVIEW$ which makes an attempt to reproduce the graphics output produced by a program using SMOG on a printer. It should however be regarded only as an emergency debugging aid, except for users who do not have access to a graphics device.

3.2 Lineprinter graphs and histograms

RHELIB contains two routines, PLOT1 and HIST1, for drawing graphs and histograms. The calling sequences to these routines are as short as possible, but a few options, such as pagesize and plotting characters, may be changed by the user. The routines are deliberately small and self-contained so that they may be used by any Fortran program. Details are in CIGAR, Part E (GR/3-GR/7). The routines are available on automatic call without any SYSLIB parameter.


This is a system of routines which allow users to histogram data simply. There are facilities for defining histograms and scatter plots (together referred to as plots), and allocating storage to hold the values on the plot. There are routines for histogramming results into these plots, and several routines for outputting the results. These results are normally produced on a lineprinter, but interfaces have been written at RL which produce MUGWUMP and FR80 output instead. ENPLOT is described in RL report 'ENPLOT' RL/M/C50 which may be obtained from the Computer Receptionist. All ENPLOT routines are available on automatic call without any SYSLIB parameter. A short description of ENPLOT is available in CIGAR Part E (GR/2). FAPLOT/FASUMX is described in RL report RL-75-162.

3.4 SUMX

SUMX is a program for analysing statistical data. Normally these data are kept on magnetic tape and SUMX is called upon to compile this information into histograms, two-dimensional scatter diagrams, lists and ordered lists, or to find mean values and variances. Facilities are provided to select data according to criteria defined on control cards, and to allow the user to add routines for computing quantities not immediately available.

The version of SUMX currently in use outputs all results to lineprinter. The RL Bubble Chamber group have written an interface to an earlier version of SUMX (note this facility does not apply to the current version) which produces the graphical parts of the output as a MUGWUMP file. A short guide to SUMX at RL is in report RL-74-061. User Support will give details of procedures available for running SUMX. Users who require fuller documentation should contact User Support Group or the Computer Receptionist. A guide to the graphics interface is in Electric file M.DOCUMENT.GRAPHICS.SUMX.PLOT.


HBOOK is a Fortran callable histogramming facility which can produce histograms, scatter plots and tabulated results. It is extensively used at CERN. Although it is simple to use, there are many options in the package including facilities for calculation of error bars, fits including Gaussian or polynomials, superimposition of functions, production of projections of scatter plots (including parts of scatter plots) and arithmetic operations (eg +,- etc..) between histograms.

HBOOK is supplemented by a graphics package, HPLOT, which allows histograms, scatter plots and tables to be output to film or hardcopy on the FR80. The output is of sufficient clarity and quality for publication or for use in slides for talks. Histograms may be superimposed, and for film output, different colours may be used.

The CERN manual is the only documentation available and a copy is available at the Computer Receptionist's at RAL.

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