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ACDSingle User SystemsPERQ HistoryPart X
ACDSingle User SystemsPERQ HistoryPart X



This project raised a number of issues within SERC in 1985:

  1. Extension of Common Base: the need to have a common base, not just for single user systems, but one embracing mainframes to micros, is an issue that the newly appointed Director of Computing needs to address. Making UNIX the standard operating system with FORTRAN and PASCAL as languages and NAG, GKS as libraries would be a powerful common base across SERC's computing facilities and would stop the fragmentation of effort on non-standard systems as diverse as VAX/VMS and IBM/MVS.
  2. SERC Committee Structure: it is clear that the individual Committees and the Boards themselves did not have the same appreciation of the objectives of the Common Base Project as did Council (Section 14.5). Also the Boards seemed unaware of the commitments agreed at Council. For projects of national significance, this should not happen again. Council should ensure that commitments made must be sustained.

  3. Value for Money: This history has shown that the Boards got good value for money for the equipment it purchased. It would not get a similar service any other way without a significant increase in cost. The Programme itself has been shown to be cost-effective and has made considerable savings for all the Boards. A firmer commitment from the Boards would have accelerated the availability of software and decreased the timescales on a number of projects.

    The lack of impact on specific communities was mainly due to an imperfect understanding of the objectives of the programme by the Boards and their Committees. A more vigorous approach by the Committees would have seen more worthwhile returns on their investment.


The text above was written in December 1985. What happened after that?

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