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Further reading □ Overview18. Getting started19. SRC orders20. ICL manufacturing21. UNIX strategy22. ACCENT UNIX23. Microcode UNIX24. UNIX developments25. PERQ - DAP26. PR27. SUSSG28. Competitors29. Communications30. Office pilots31. GKS
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ACDSingle User SystemsPERQ HistoryPart V
ACDSingle User SystemsPERQ HistoryPart V
Further reading

18. Getting started
19. SRC orders
20. ICL manufacturing
21. UNIX strategy
23. Microcode UNIX
24. UNIX developments
25. PERQ - DAP
26. PR
28. Competitors
29. Communications
30. Office pilots
31. GKS



27.1 Introduction

The newly constituted Central Computing Committee (CCC) set up a Single User System Steering Group (SUSSG) in April 1982 to oversee the Common Base Policy and the ICL/SERC Memorandum of Understanding.

Its terms of reference were:

  1. to monitor the operation and future developments of the Central Computing Committee's policy for distributed interactive computing and to advise the RAL Computing Division in their execution of it;
  2. to establish links with subject committees with relevant interests and promote the interchange of views with users and others on systems and hardware support.

Two members of CCC, Professor W Newman and Professor C McGreavy, were members of the SUSSG. There were 4 other members to represent EB interests and one representative from each of the other Boards. The Science Board representative was Dr M Elder of the Daresbury Laboratory, supported by Dr E Owen also of DL.

The SUSSG met three times in 1982 on:

The Science Board was represented at all three meetings.

27.2 June 1982 Meeting

The initial meeting had a lot of ground to cover including a great deal of Commercial in Confidence background material which has been given in this report.

27.2.1 Terms of Reference

These were accepted after clarifications of a number of points. It was agreed that SUSSG would give CCC a written report of progress at each CCC meeting and this was done. It was agreed that the SERC Boards should be asked to ratify their representatives at the CCC meeting. The JNT were invited to be a member of SUSSG.

27.2.2 Progress Report

RAL provided SUSSG with a long Progress Report giving the complete history of the project. Major points arising from that are given below:

  1. Communications: SUSSG endorsed support for the Cambridge Ring as the preferred Local Area Network at that time but requested an active assessment of the various ethernets which were beginning to come together into a common standard. It was agreed to press CCC to ask JNT to specify a ring-WAN gateway as soon as possible.
  2. Printers: at the time, no laser printer was supported by ICL and it was agreed to look at alternatives at the next meeting. RAL was aware of the need for support of cheap laser printers. A meeting had taken place between RAL, Newcastle, Kent and Logica which proposed that the Canon laser printer be added to the Common Base. Unfortunately, ICL showed little interest in this proposal.
  3. PERQ-DAP: it was agreed that SUSSG should ask CCC to support it centrally.
  4. Common Base Hardware: RAL were asked to keep a watching brief on alternative hardware to the PERQ.
  5. Project Manager: with Rob Witty being almost fully committed to the Software Technology Initiative and the Alvey programme, SUSSG were keen that a new manager be provided by RAL as soon as possible. (This pressure resulted in Ken Robinson being moved by RAL to take over the Common Base project.)

27.2.3 Collaborative Proposals

SERC Central Office were still insisting that any increase in manpower on the project should be obtained by getting committee approval for Collaborative Research Proposals with ICL.

Two possible projects were discussed, a portable GKS implementation, and a quality window manager. It was agreed that the Collaborative Grant was inappropriate for the first, due to it not being research, and the savings in licences by RAL for each PERQ recouped any effort put in on the project. The window manager proposal should go to CCC for assessment after some changes had been made.

27.2.4 Manpower and Finances

The Five Year Forward Look provided by CCC had a flat 5 MY per year for managing the project, with no additional effort for development or support. About 2 MY of effort was being used to install hardware. Grant applications were flooding in from all committees and 1.5 MY of effort would be used in assessing these and discussing with users. A further 1.5 MY was being used up on user support. Consequently no effort was available for software development, assessment etc.

The SUSSG agreed to tell CCC that unless 15 MY of effort was available in 1983/84 and more effort in the current year, the project would be seriously retarded. If less than 10 MY per year was provided, the project was not viable.

SUSSG wanted to upgrade all PERQ systems to 1 Mbyte and believed additional recurrent should be found to do this as it would make software development, performance and ease of support much better. More funds were required from CCC.

27.2.5 Science Board Applications

DL requested a PERQ from SUSSG for a number of applications in protein crystallography, microdensitometer data analysis and scientific databases. It was felt that some of these activities should be supported directly by the Science Board.

The need to move the CSSR database from the DEC10 was a responsibility of CCC. It was agreed that DL should take responsibility for implementation of Chemical Databases and that they should supervise a contract to Owen Mills at Manchester to get the graphical side of CSSR working on the PERQ. This PERQ was provided by the Common Base Project not the Science Board.

27.3 October 1982 Meeting

By this time, the Computer Board had agreed to purchase a number of PERQs for university computer centres and to use QMC to support these. As a result, Jeremy Brandon of QMC was added to SUSSG to represent Computer Board interests.

The major points arising from the second meeting were:

  1. PERQ-DAP: the decision that CCSC/IEC would be responsible for PERQ-DAP as part of a Novel Architecture programme was giving cause for concern as this would not allow adequate representation from other Boards. It was recommended that CCC be asked to reconsider the question of where PERQ-DAP should be supported.
  2. User Support: the SUSSG recommended that user support should be increased to 7 MY per year as soon as possible.
  3. Estimates: SUSSG endorsed a bid for 17 MY of effort for the project in 1983/4.
  4. Evaluation of Alternative 68000-Based Systems: RAL were asked to start the evaluation of alternative single user systems to the PERQ.

27.4 December 1982 Meeting

The main points from the meeting were:

  1. PERQ-DAP: CCC had decided that the Engineering Board Computing and Communications Sub-Committee should be responsible for the PERQ-DAP and not SUSSG. It presumably saw the PERQ-DAP as a computer science novel architecture. Consequently, there was no route for the Science Board to influence the way PERQ-DAP was handled. Presumably the Science Board representative on CCC was satisfied with this approach and informed the Biological Sciences Committee. RAL has no evidence that this happened.

    SUSSG agreed to press Brian Oakley for an early decision on whether DoI and SERC would support the PERQ-DAP.

  2. Window Manager Proposal: it was agreed that this Collaborative Grant proposal should go to the Computing and Communications Subcommittee for at least commenting. It was unclear whether they or CCC should fund it.
  3. Future Products: ICL gave a presentation of the PERQ2, a colour PERQ and a PERQ with a landscape display. All would be available before the end of 1983.
  4. Presentation of PERQ-DAP: ICL gave an overview of the PERQ-DAP but refused to give prices or dates due to the lack of commercial security in SERC committees.
  5. SERC-Computer Board: SUSSG approved a strategy of joint user support between the common base support team and the Computer Board QMC team.
  6. PERQ Support: the SUSSG were concerned about the lack of support for PERQs running POS out in the field. RAL had been reluctant to send out POS systems for this very reason as RAL neither had the manpower or expertise to support POS.

    It was agreed to hold a user forum with ICL present to allow users to air any problems directly with ICL.

  7. Operational Requirement: a draft operational requirement for a second single user system was discussed. It was agreed not to limit it to 68000 based systems and that it should be sent out early in 1983.

After the meeting, ICL agreed with SERC that SUSSG was the body that should receive confidential information from ICL and no other. ICL agreed to demonstrate both the PERQ-DAP and the landscape display to SUSSG at their next meeting to be held at Kidsgrove.

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