This is a complete copy of the Finite Elements film that was made at the Atlas Computer Laboratory using Alan Kitching's ANTICS animation system and the SC4020 microfilm recorder. The ANTICS system was running on the ICL 1906A by the time the film was completed. Jean Crow of the Atlas Computer Laboratory, a finite elements expert, was the Executive Producer of the film. This is one of the best of the early animation films.

The film starts by describing the Finite Element method then gives three examples:

  • The weight distribution on a bridge. The bridge on show is one of the bridges on the new M6 motor way between Birmingham and Manchester. The finite element analysis was provided by Dick Henshell and Dave Parkes of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Nottingham University.
  • The second part shows flow around an on object.
  • The third part shows effluent being dispersed in Southampton water. Various sites were simulated. Due to the two tides a day around both sides of the Isle of Wight, some sites had the effluent being washed back towards Southampton before it had time to be washed out to sea. The finite element analysis was provided by Carlos Brebbia, Stuart Smith and Bob Adey of the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Southampton.

Peter Hadingham of Swift Film Productions spoke the soundtrack and processed the film starting from 3 negatives produced on the SC4020 using the pin-registered camera.

The film was completed in 1975.

Finite Elements Film

A revision of the original version, Finite Elements in SVG with subtitles, is also available.