
Over Up Rad Vplane Newx Newy Scale Comment
15 -8 200 900 300 460 20

The scene focuses on the area in front of the Hotel Windsor Atlantica and is an interlude before the volleyball game showing off the IW3C2 and Conference Logos. The scene has to be split in two as the relative positioning of the background and foreground objects change as well as the objects themselves (position of pedals need to change on the bike).

Frame from Scene06

The models for the two cars are shown. Both are typical beach cars!

The bike rider is 2012 Tour De France Champion Bradley Wiggins (on holiday in Rio after the Tour ;-) ).

Bradley Wiggins on Bike

Car01 in Detail

viewBox="0 0 800 500" >

Car02 in Detail (simplified logo)

Both cars are the same car but with different paint work.

Simplified IW3C2 Logo


Frame from Scene07

Not much to say about either scene. Bradley is accelerating in both traversals. The acceleration positions on the outward traverse are:

-11.2, 34.0
-10.4, 31.8
 -9.6, 29.5
 -8.7, 26.9
 -7.7, 24.2
 -6.6, 21.3
 -5.5, 18.2
 -4.4, 14.9
 -3.1, 11.4
 -1.8,  7.7
 -0.4,  3.9
  1.0, -0.2
  2.6, -4.4
  4.1, -8.8

To avoid the complication of the cars changing direction on the road, they gradually move out as the road curves so they actually travel in a straight line. Trying to get them to change orientation did not look any better and needed a lot more frames drawn.


Straight lines for cars