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Further reading

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Network News 18
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195 Introduction
CMS Introduction
Transfers from CMS
CD Policy 1982
CD Future Strategy 1983
CD Reorganisation 1983

Job and File Transfer from CMS

Michael Main

April 1981



This report describes how to use the Job Transfer (B2B) links from CMS. The links currently connect Rutherford & Appleton Laboratories (RAL) with CERN, DESY and Daresbury. The facilities available in CMS provide file transfer between RAL and the other sites. They also allow jobs to be submitted to any of the remote batch processors. In general, corresponding facilities are available at these sites for file and job transfer to RAL. The Program Advisory Office can supply a CMS user account. General information on CMS is available in The VM/370 System at Rutherford Laboratory - User's Reference Manual. For problems concerning the TRANFILE command, please contact Michael Main, CMS id - MGM. For problems concerning the NPUNCH command please contact the Program Advisory Office.

This report may be updated from time to time. The latest version will always be on the a-disk of account DHG. The file is called MMTRANF SCRIPT and the disk has read password RDHG.

Acknowledgements are due to James Mutton and Fred Wickens who wrote the original job transfer software for ELECTRIC.

I File Transfer

A. The TRANFILE Command

To use the TRANFILE command, the following CMS command must first be given: UDISK. This links to the u-disk where the facility resides. The TRANFILE command will allow all of the file transfers indicated in figure 1. (An additional link from RAL OS Disk to CMS is provided by the standard CMS command. OSCOPY. )

                    |       CMS        |
                     /               \
                    /                 \
                   /                   \
                  V                     V
 --------------------                ------------------------
 |                  |                | CERN OS Disk          |
 |                  |                | CERN Wylbur           |
 |                  |--------------->| Daresbury TSO         |
 |  RAL OS Disk     |<---------------| DESY OS Disk          |
 |                  |                | DESY Newlib           |
 |                  |                |                       |
 -------------------                 ------------------------
Figure 1: Links provided by TRANFILE

A file transfer is carried out by giving the TRANFILE command with one of the following options.

CMS2RAL     CMS to RAL OS Disk  
CMS2CED     CMS to CERN OS Disk 
CMS2CEW     CMS to CERN Wylbur Library Member 
CMS2CEE     CMS to CERN Wylbur edit-format file 
CMS2DLT     CMS to Daresbury ISO  
CMS2DED     CMS to DESY OS Disk 
CMS2DEL     CMS to DESY Newlib Library Member 
RAL2CED     RAL OS Disk to CERN OS Disk 
RAL2CEW     RAL OS Disk to CERN Wylbur Library Member 
RAL2CEE     RAL OS Disk to CERN Wylbur edit-format file 
RAL2DLT     RAL OS Disk to Daresbury ISO 
RAL2DED     RAL OS Disk to DESY OS Disk 
RAL2DEL     RAL OS Disk to DESY Newlib Library Member 
RALFCED     RAL OS Disk from CERN OS Disk 
RALFCEW     RAL OS Disk from CERN Wylbur Library Member
RALFCEE     RAL OS Disk from CERN Wylbur edit-format file 
RALFDLT     RAL OS Disk from Daresbury TSO 
RALFDED     RAL OS Disk from DESY OS Disk 
RALFDEL     RAL OS Disk from DESY Newlib Library Member
RALFDEX     RAL OS Disk from DESY Newlib Library Expanded Member

OS Disk means the local IBM Operating System file base. RALFDEL and RALFDEX are identical except that macros will be expanded for RALFDEX.

In transferring files from RAL, CMS or CERN there is an absolute limit to the size of the file. This limit is around 10,000 records for LRECL=80. Other files have similar limits. The limit may be removed or increased in the future.

The format of the tranfile command is:

   TRANFILE option

where option is one of the options listed above. The command submits a job to the MVT batch stream which will carry out the specified file transfer. During construction of this job, you will be asked to supply a list of parameters, such as your id and account number, the file's name, and so on. These parameters, and how to list them, are the topics of the next section.

B Keyword Parameters of the TRANFILE Command

During processing, TRANFILE asks you to supply a list of parameters, such as the name of the file to be transferred. It does this with the prompt: USER ARGUMENTS>. The parameters should then be given in the form: keyword=value. Here, keyword is one of the keywords listed below and value is the value you wish to give that parameter. Parameters may be separated from one another either by a comma or a carriage return. The last parameter should be followed by a semi-colon (Or alternately, end the parameter list with a blank line.) Whenever a parameter value contains the special character , or ;, it must be enclosed in double quotes (eg ROU2="X,Y").

There are numerous parameters available, but most have sensible default values. A parameter without a default value must be given in the parameter list. If such a required parameter is not given in the initial parameter list, TRANFILE will ask for it at the terminal At this point, the value should be typed in, without the keyword.

A list of parameters applicable to a particular option may be obtained by giving the CMS command:

TRANFILE option ?

The following is a complete list of keywords, with the default values in round brackets.

General Parameters: these may be given with any of the options, except where otherwise indicated. Note that all transfers will submit a job named phTA (where ph is the pigeon hole parameter, described below). The output of this job may be suppressed or listed, according to the PRINT parameter.

PRI (12)
Priority for RAL job. (An alternate name for this keyword is PRIORITY.)
(default is to registered id): RAL 2 or 3 character id.
(default is to registered account number): RAL 4 character account number (Alternate names for this keyword are ACCOUNT, ACCT or ACNT.)
(default is to values of ID parm): First characters of RAL jobname. This may be up to 6 characters.
This parm should have the value // to cause the listing of the RAL job to be printed. The default value of / causes the listing to be suppressed
Routing of printing from RAL job. (An alternate name for this keyword is ROUTE.)
TIME (10)
Cpu time (in minutes) for transfer job.
MIN (0)
ID2 (no default)
For transfers to or from CERN, this is the 3-character CERN user code. (For CERN, an alternate name for this keyword is USER. For Daresbury it is the 2-character user id. For DESY it is the 6-character code of the form: ggguuu. It is not needed for the option CMS2RAL.
AC2 (no default)
For transfers to or from CERN, this is the 2-character CERN group code. (For CERN, an alternate name for this keyword is GROUP.) For Daresbury it is the 5-digit account number. For DESY it is the 8-digit account number. It is not needed for the option CMS2RAL
ROU2 (default depends on option)
For transfers to or from external sites, this parm controls the routing of the job run at the external site as described below. The parm is not needed for option CMS2RAL.
For CERN, the ROU2 parm is the RAL remote workstation number where the job will print, and it defaults to 24. If you do not want the listing to go to a remote workstation give the additional parameter, LOCAL=//. This value of // causes the job to print at the RAL LOCAL printers.
For Daresbury the ROU2 parm is put in the route field of the job card and defaults to RL1OPER (which is RAL REMOTE24). See the appendix for a complete list of values that the Daresbury route field may have.
For DESY the ROU2 parm is the RAL remote workstation number where the job is to print. If no ROU2 parm is given, the job will print at RAL LOCAL.
MSG2 (default depends on option)
This is the message-class parameter for a jobcard at the remote site. The default value causes the external job to not print (for CERN this value is D; for DESY it is Z; for Daresbury it is 9). To cause the remote job to print, set MSG2=A. The MSG2 parm is not needed for the option CMS2RAL.
LRECL (80)
Logical record length of the file being created. For fixed length records (eg RECFM=FB), this should be no less than the longest record. For variable length records (eg RECFM=VBS), this should be at least 8 more than the longest record, to allow room for control information. For transfer to CERNWylbur, this should be no less than the longest record and no more than 133. For transfer to DESY Newlib, this must be 80.
Record format of the file being created. This can be different from the record format of the original file. This parameter does not need to be given when copying to Wylbur Library Members, Wylbur edit-format files or Newlib Library members.
This parameter controls whether trailing blanks are removed when writing variable length records. The default (TRUE) causes blanks to be deleted at the end of a record. To suppress this option set TRUNC=FALSE
Blocksize of the file being created. For fixed length records, this must be a multiple of LRECL. This parameter does not need to be given when copying to Wylbur Library Members, Wylbur edit-format files or Newlib Library Members.
[all options except transfers to CERN Wylbur Library Members or to DESY Newlib Members] This is the disposition of the file being copied to. It may have the value NEW (if file doesn't yet exist), OLD (if file exists and is to be overwritten) or MOD (if file exists and is to be appended). CERN Wylbur Libary Members and DESY Newlib Library Members will always be overwritten if they already exist.
[all options except transfers to CERN Wylbur Library Members or to DESY Newlib Members]. This may have the value CATLG (if target file is to be catalogued) or KEEP (if target file is not to be catalogued)
The file must fit in space defined by the parameters SPU, SPP and SPS. The parm SPU gives the space units, SPP gives the primary allocation, and SPS gives the secondary allocation. Note that any file created is also given the RLSE (release) option automatically.
SPP (2)
See SPU parameter.
SPS (5)
See SPU parameter.

Parameters for transfer to or from RAL OS Disk: transfers to RAL OS Disk from other sites also submit a third job named phTC (where ph is the PH parm). This job will be routed according to the ROU and PRINT parameters. In all transfers to or from RAL OS Disk, the file is identified by these parameters:

RLDSN (no default)
Dataset-name of the file to be copied or created.
Volume on which the dataset resides.

Parameters for transfer from CMS: In any transfers from CMS, the file is identified by the following parameter:

CMSFILE (no default)
This value should be given in the form: NAME TYPE MODE, with spaces as separators. The mode defaults to A if omitted.

Parameters for transfer to or from CERN OS Disk: CERN OS Disk transfers run a CERN job called id2ac2TB, where id2 and ac2 are the parms ID2 and AC2. The listing of the job can be routed to an RAL remote workstation, and will be called phTB, where ph is the PH parameter. The routing of its listing is controlled by the ROU2 and MSG2 parms The CERN OS Disk file is identified by these parameters:

(default is ac2.id2, where ac2 and id2 are the parms AC2 and ID2). This is the prefix of the dataset-name, which must be of the form gg.uuu.
CENAME (no default)
This is the last part of the dataset-name, after the group-user prefix. (Alternately, CEPRE and CENAME can be given as one parameter, CERNDSN, which should be the entire CERN dataset-name.)
Unit where file resides
KEY (no default, but not required)
CERN keyword, if you have one.

Parameters for transfer to or from CERN Wyibur Library Member: CERN Wylbur Library Member transfers run a CERN job called id2ac2TB, where id2 and ac2 are the parms ID2 and AC2. The listing of the job can be routed to an RAL remote workstation and will be called phTB, where ph is the PH parameter. The routing of its listing is controlled by the ROU2 and MSG2 parms. Wylbur Library Members must have LRECL<=133. The member is identified by these parameters:

(default is ac2.id2, where ac2 and id2 are the parms AC2 and ID2). This is the prefix of the Wylbur Library name, which must be of the form gg.uuu.
This is the last part of the Wylbur Library name after the group-user prefix. (alternately, WPRE and WLIB can be given as one parameter, CERNDSN, which should be entire Wylbur Library name.)
MEMBER (no default)
The member of the library
KEY (no default, but not required)
CERN keyword, if you have one

Parameters for transfer to or from CERN Wylbur-edit form file: Note that this is not for Wylbur Library Members; they are described above. CERN Wylbur-edit file transfers run a CERN job called id2ac2TB, where id2 and ac2 are the parms ID2 and AC2. The listing of the job can be routed to an RAL remote workstation, and will be called phTB, where ph is the PH parameter. The routing of its listing is controlled by the ROU2 and MSG2 parms. Wylbur edit-format files must have LRECL<=133. The file is identified by these parameters:

(default is ac2.id2, where ac2 and id2 are the parms AC2 and ID2). This is the prefix of the Wylbur Library name, which must be of the form gg.uuu.
WNAME (no default)
This is the last part of the filename after the group-user prefix. (Alternately, WPRE and WNAME can be given as one parameter, CERNDSN, which should be the entire Wylbur file-name).
Unit where file resides.
KEY (no default, but not required)
CERN keyword, if you have one.

Parameters for transfer to and from Daresbury TSO: Daresbury TSO transfers run a Daresbury job called id2TB, where id2 is the parm ID2. The listing of the job can be routed to an RAL remote workstation, and will be called phTB, where ph is the PH parameter. The routing of its listing is controlled by the ROU2 and MSG2 parms. The TSO file is identified 'by these parameters:

TSOID (default is ID2)
The parameter described above. This identifies the TSO user.
TSONAME (no default)
The name of the file being created
The type of the file being created.

Parameters for transfer to DESY OS Disk: DESY OS Disk transfers run a DESY job called id2TB , where id2 is the parm ID2. The listing of the job can be routed to the RAL LOCAL printers, and will be called phTB where ph is the PH parameter. The routing of its listing is controlled by the ROU2 and MSG2 parms. The DESY OS Disk file is identified by these parameters:

DEID (default is ID2)
The parameter described above. This prefixes the dataset-name.
DENAME (no default)
This is the last part of the dataset-name after the userid prefix.

Parameters for transfer to DESY Newlib Member: DESY Newlib transfers run a DESY job called id2TB , where id2 is the parm ID2. The listing of the job can be routed to the RAL LOCAL printers, and will be called phTB where ph is the PH parameter. The routing of its listing is controlled by the ROU2 and MSG2 parms. The DESY Newlib Members must have LRECL=80. the member is identified by these parameters:

DEID (default is ID2)
The parameter described above. This prefixes the Newlib Library.
NEWLIB (no default
This is the last part of the Newlib Library name, after the userid prefix.
MEMBER (no default)
The member of the library.

Parameter Files for TRANFILE

As an alternative to entering the keyword parameters at the terminal, some or all of the parameters may be put in a CMS file. The parameters should be written in the file in the same keyword-vaIue format, and separated by commas or carriage-returns The TRANFILE command should now be given as:

TRANFILE option filename filetype filemode

where the file defined is the parameter file. If filemode is omitted, it defaults to A.

With this alternative, TRANFILE will first read the parameter file, then ask for any additional parameters to be given from the terminal. As with the ordinary version, the last parameter should be followed by a semi-colon or a blank line.

D NOSUB Alternative for TRANFILE

An alternative for the TRANFILE command is to construct the transfer job, but not submit it to be run The formats are:

TRANFILE option filename filetype filemode (NOSUB

The constructed job will be left in a CMS file called TEMP EXEC A. To run the transfer job, give the CMS command:


There is an exception for transfers of CMS files (options CMS2xxx). To run the transfer job for these options, give the CMS command:


E Examples of Parameters for TRANFILE

To transfer a card file from CMS to  RAL OS Disk (option CMS2RAL):
To transfer a card file from RAL OS Disk t0 DL TSO (option RAL2DLT):
To transfer a non-card file from RAL OS Disk to CERN OS Disk (option RAL2CED):
To transfer a non-card  file to RAL OS Disk from a CERN Wylbur Library Member (option RALFCEW):
To transfer a card file from CMS to a DESY Newlib Member (option CMS2DEL)
To transfer a non-card file from CMS to a DESY OS Disk file (option CMS2DED)

II External Job Submission

A. Submission

A job contained in a CMS file may be submitted to the batch processor at CERN, Daresbury or DESY with the CMS command NPUNCH. The appropriate commands are:

For submission to CERN:
NPUNCH filename filetype filemode (PURO 66
For submission to Daresbury:
NPUNCH filename filetype filemode (PURO 60
For submission to DESY:
NPUNCH filename filetype filemode (PURO 79

The NPUNCH command will submit a job called idPUNCH at RAL , where id is your registered id. This job, in turn, submits your file as a job at the appropriate remote site. Some parameters of the idPUNCH job may be set and these are described in the VM/370 User's Reference Guide under the NPUNCH command.

B Output Routing

Output from CERN, Daresbury or DESY jobs can be routed back to RAL printers with the following JCL:

For CERN jobs:

For Daresbury Jobs:

The jobcard should be of the form:
//jobname JOB (acct,id,R=route,JN=rljobname)
where jobname is the Daresbury jobname, acct is the Daresbury account number, id is the Daresbury id, and rljobname is the jobname for the RAL listing. The value of route should be one of the names in the appendix of Daresbury output routing codes.

For DESY jobs:

The jobcard should be of the form:
//jobname JOB 'aaaaaaaa.RMnn','programmer.rljob'
Here jobname is the DESY jobname, 'aaaaaaaa' is the DESY account number, nn is the RAL workstation remote number, 'programmer' is your name and 'rljob' is the RAL jobname. The ORG parameter on the //*MAIN card should be RUT.

A warning: if there is a JCL error (especially in the jobcard) in a job to be submitted to a remote site, the output will not always find its way back to RAL. In particular, note that a Daresbury job card must have a programmer-name following the accounting field, and for some reason, this may not be on a continuation card!? This may be a problem with Daresbury OS.

APPENDIX: Daresbury Output Routing Codes

IGSE          REMOTE1
BRUM          REMOTE4
QMC           REMOTE5
NBRU          REMOTE6
ICNP          REMOTE7
CERN          REMOTE10
UCL           REMOTE14
IGSL          REMOTE15
IGSL          REMOTE18
IOSW          REMOTE21
RL10PER       REMOTE24
RHC           REMOTE26
ITEM          REMOTE27
LEICS         REMOTE28
ROE           REMOTE30
LASER         REMOTE36
RGO           REMOTE40
RLGB          REMOTE47
DEV2050       REMOTE49
IOSB          REMOTE51
1GSK          REMOTE52
RLGA          REMOTE53
SNS           REMOTE54
ICENG         REMOTE56
IMER          REMOTE57
ORLS          REMOTE58
TRRL          REMOTE59
DESY          REMOTE64
ISCN          REMOTE67
BRGA          REMOTE69
CAGA          REMOTE71
GWGA          REMOTE73
RL25          REMOTE74
RL2           REMOTE75
RL1-75        REMOTE76
OBAN          REMOTE78
RL34          REMOTE80
R30           REMOTE81
CDGA          REMOTE82
NEGA          REMOTE83
NMPA          REMOTE84
BDGA          REMOTE85
CFGA          REMOTE86
BHGA          REMOTE87
ITEB          REMOTE89
BANG          REMOTE90
UEA           REMOTE92
WKPA          REMOTE94
SVPA          REMOTE95
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