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Further reading □ OverviewIBM 3090 □ 3090 Brochures □ Large systemsApplicationsProcessor UnitModulesSupport UnitsPROFS □ 1992 onwards □ DEC 7000 serviceDEC 7000 technical descriptionDEC 3000 serviceDEC 3000 technical designCentral Simulation Facility (CSF)
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CCDMainframes :: Mainframes
CCDMainframes :: Mainframes
Further reading

IBM 3090
3090 Brochures
Large systems
Processor Unit
Support Units
1992 onwards
DEC 7000 service
DEC 7000 technical description
DEC 3000 service
DEC 3000 technical design
Central Simulation Facility (CSF)

IBM 3090

The IBM 3090 series was launched in 1985. Its design took forward instruction pipelining ideas from the late 1970s IBM 3033, extending them in many ways including the provision of optional hardware units and an extended instructions set to perform vector processing. It also took forward and packaging and integration methods from the early 1980s IBM 308x series with faster components and improved power and cooling techniques which enabled the cycle time to be reduced from the 308x's 24 ns to 18.5 ns, and to increase the logical operations that could be handled per cycle.

The 3090 system was available with one, two, four or six processors, each of which could have a Vector Facility. The Atlas Centre 3090 was initially installed as a two-processor system with one Vector Facility, 64 MB of memory plus 128 MB of expanded storage (semiconductor memory used as a logical, slower, extension of main memory). For the duration of the IBM Joint Study Agreement it was expanded to a six processor/six Vector Facility system with 256 MB of memory and 1 GB of expanded storage, and afterwards it was reduced to a four-processor system with one Vector Facility while its workload was being transferred to newer facilites. It was finally closed down in 1995.

Information on work done under the Joint Study Agreement between RAL and IBM is given in the Supercomputing section.

Related Literature

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