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Further reading □ Overview1-4 System5-11 Matrix12-20 System22-28 I/O29-31 Translators37-48 System50-59 Linear algebra60-69 Eigen □ Equations □ 70-74 Algebraic75-79 Differential80-84 Quadrature85-95 Approx96-99 Probability100-105 Numerische Mathematik106-110 Graphing
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ACLLiteratureAtlas manualsAlgol Library :: Atlas Algol Library
ACLLiteratureAtlas manualsAlgol Library :: Atlas Algol Library
Further reading

1-4 System
5-11 Matrix
12-20 System
22-28 I/O
29-31 Translators
37-48 System
50-59 Linear algebra
60-69 Eigen
70-74 Algebraic
75-79 Differential
80-84 Quadrature
85-95 Approx
96-99 Probability
100-105 Numerische Mathematik
106-110 Graphing

Algol Library Manual

F R A Hopgood, Mrs E A Baker
December 1969

The Algol string quotes used in the original document have been replaced by the " symbol.


The Library of Algol procedures currently available on Atlas is stored on the Standard Algol Library Tape ALGOLIB. Full details of how to incorporate these library procedures into an Algol program are given in the Atlas Algol System manual. A subset of the more widely used procedures are available on the disc area R502 ALGOLIB. In the following index, library names followed by asterisk indicate that the item is also available on the disc area. The library is divided into three main groups SC, ACM and ICT.

The SC group are procedures specifically designed to run with the GROATS graphic output system. Full details of these can be found in the GROATS manual.

The Algorithms available under the Class Name ACM are those published in the Communications of the ACM. The numbering of the Algorithms is the same as given in the CACM. These Algorithms have been punched at the Atlas Laboratory. Corrections given in Certifications have been added. Trial compilations have been used to give a syntactic check of the Algorithms. No semantic checking of the Algorithms has been attempted. The definitions of these Algorithms can either be found in the relevant copy of the Communications or alternatively a complete set of definitions is available from the ACM. A copy of this is available at the Atlas Laboratory.

The class name ICT has been used for all library items that do not fall into either of the other two classes. Complete details of these are given in the following sections. These procedures should be fully debugged and working.

ICT50 - 99

ICT50 - 99 are a set of procedures for various numerical operations. The methods employed are among the most reliable discovered so far and the procedures should be fully debugged.



No procedure is ever completely foolproof, and a brief note is made indicating where difficulties may arise. On the whole, the procedures will be most satisfactory for medium-sized problems where considerations of storage and/or computing time are not of over-riding importance.


Items ICT55, 56, and 57 are from Algol 60 Procedures in Numerical Algebra, Part I by T J Dekker (Mathematisch Centrum Amsterdam Tract no. 22).

All other items are selected from Procedures Algol en Analyse Numerique published by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris.


 1 *   dump program
 2 *   release mag tape
 3 *   dump
 4 *   print input
 5     Array handling procedures
 6     Array handling procedures
 7     Matrix procedures
 8     Matrix procedures
 9     Matrix procedures
10     Matrix procedures
11     Matrix procedures
12 *   set up directory
13 *   break output
14 *   random, initialise generator, extract generator
15 *   Upper case versions of SIN, COS etc
16 *   ham
17 *   dump tape positions
18 *   whats on my library tape
19 *   erase
20 *   KDF9 magnetic tape handling procedures
22     writekdf9, format
23     char in kdf9, char out kdf9
24     copy text kdf9
25     read array kdf9
26     write array kdf9
27     address, lowbound, range, size
28     advance elliott, buffer elliott
29 *   dialect list
30 *   initialise dialect : ATLAS CARDS
31 *   initialise dialect : ICT 1900 TAPE
37 *   outjob title time date
38     chain
39 *   call algol 
40 *   dump program 
41 *   lower triangle iliffe vectors 
42 *   interpret 
43 *   Fixed block magnetic tape procedures 
44 *   fast char print routine 
45 *   chain 
46 *   elegant output 
47 *   layout, inlogical, outlogical 
48 *   elapsed time 
50 *   gresolpiv
51 *   tridiagreson
52 *   deter
53 *   trace
54 *   pivotmax
55 *   detsym 1, solsym 1, detinvsym 1
56 *   detbnd, solbnd
57 *   Least square problems
58 *   pseudoinv
59 *   pseudo inverse
60 *   eigenvalues
61 *   iter jacobi
62 *   jacobi
63 *   rutisvalues
64 *   hyman values
65 *   eigenvec
70 *   newton complexe
71 *   muller
72 *   laguerre
73 *   bissection
74 *   bisdou
75 *   rungekutta
76 *   rungekutta
77 *   rungekutta
80 *   insire
81 *   in dourec
82 *   int3neville
83 *   intcossin
85 *   approxicon
86 *   remez
87 *   tchebecha
88 *   chebfit
89 *   tchebdessous
90 *   tchfbing
91 *   mcpolysp
92 *   methdintepoly
93 *   coef spline trois
94 *   spline hermite
95 *   splderivee
96 *   classemarkoff
97 *   sous classe cyclique
98 *   polweyl
99 *   not lag
100*   reduction
101*   ratqr
102*   tred
103*   tridi inverse iteration
104*   back transformation
105*   bisect
106*   Character manipulation procedures
107*   Lineprinter graphical procedures
108*   random
109*   chisqaure
110*   timer
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