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ACLApplicationsCrystallography :: Crystallography at ACL
ACLApplicationsCrystallography :: Crystallography at ACL
Further reading

Crystallography software
X-RAY 63 software
X-Ray manual
Molecular structures and dimensions

Crystallography: Overview

Support for Crystallography at Atlas came initially with the mounting of a number of program suites. Probably the most successful was X-RAY 63 followed by X-RAY 67. This provided the crystallographer with all the basic calculations necessary for structure analysis giving maximum possible control over the calculation but with minimum data preparation.

Coupled with the Microdensitometer service, it gave crystallographers a major tool in deciphering the chemical compounds measured with X-ray crystallography.

John Baldwin, Pella Machin, Judy Thomas, Lorna Claringbold and others provided support for the community for a number of years.

John Baldwin: 1999

John Baldwin: 1999

This was an activity that was moved to Daresbury in 1976. By then X-RAY had been moved to the 1906A, the older X-RAY-74 had been pensioned off and an interface to the FR80 established. The newer SHEL-X program had also been mounted on the 1906A.

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