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Further reading □ Overview1962: An outline of Fortran1962: Operating experience with Fortran1962: Implementation of Fortran on Atlas1962: Proposed target language (BAS)1962: BAS binary card1963: Intermediate Atlas symbolic programming language (INTERASP)1963: Addendum1963: A primer for Fortran programming1964: Atlas Fortran manual: Part I1964: Part II1964: Using HARTRAN1965: System note 41966: Fortran on Atlas □ Atlas 2 at AWRE □ 1965: BAS subroutines1965: System notes1966: S3 Fortran □ Titan □ 1966: System note 11966: System note 21966: Fortran on Titan1966: Compile Master on Titan1966: System Note 31966: Differences between S3 dialect and Fortran II1966: Magnetic tape library subroutines1967: T3 Fortran reference manual
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ACLApplicationsHartran :: Hartran and Fortran on Atlas
ACLApplicationsHartran :: Hartran and Fortran on Atlas
Further reading

Overview1962: An outline of Fortran1962: Operating experience with Fortran1962: Implementation of Fortran on Atlas1962: Proposed target language (BAS)1962: BAS binary card1963: Intermediate Atlas symbolic programming language (INTERASP)1963: Addendum1963: A primer for Fortran programming1964: Atlas Fortran manual: Part I1964: Part II1964: Using HARTRAN1965: System note 41966: Fortran on Atlas
Atlas 2 at AWRE
1965: BAS subroutines1965: System notes1966: S3 Fortran
1966: System note 11966: System note 21966: Fortran on Titan1966: Compile Master on Titan1966: System Note 31966: Differences between S3 dialect and Fortran II1966: Magnetic tape library subroutines1967: T3 Fortran reference manual


E J York


This is a draft of Chapters 1-3 issued as Atlas Paper No 37. It was issued due to delays in the writing of Chapters 4-6.


1. General Description of the HARTRAN System

The ensuing chapters describe how a program written as described in Part I is presented to and processed by the HARTRAN system. The processing in general consists of three main parts; compilation, loading and execution. If a program contains only BAS routines the compiling phase is omitted; alternatively a job may involve only compilation, no execution being expected, in which case the loading is omitted.

1.1 Compilation

In the first phase, routines written in the source language FORTRAN are compiled and those written in ASP are assembled, i.e. routines written in either language are translated into the target language BAS (Binary and Arbitrary Symbolic). References entirely within the routine are dealt with by the translator; private names being converted into relocatable binary addresses, relative to the routine origin which is incorporated at load time, PUBLIC variables, PARAMETERS, routine names and common block names remain in symbolic form.

1.2 Loading

In this phase BAS routines, resulting from the compilation phase or any which have been previously compiled and appear in the card deck in BAS form, are loaded. Each is placed in the high-speed store of the machine in the position in which it is to be executed with the necessary adjustment of addresses (relocation); all remaining symbols are replaced by absolute addresses; and the values of PARAMETERS read from DEFINE cards and incorporated.

1.3 Execution

The third phase is the execution of the resulting program.

1.4 CHAIN jobs

Large programs may be split up into independent sections called chapters each consisting of a number of routines. A job involving such a program is called a CHAIN job. This manual assumed that the majority of jobs will consist of a single chapter and the description is simplified accordingly, all information pertaining to CHAIN jobs being confined to Chapter 6.

2. Presentation of a job to the HARTRAN system

2.1 Introduction

2.1.1 Documents

A job is presented to the system as one or more documents. A document is a self-contained block of information presented to the computer through one input channel without a break. Each document is preceded by identifying information consisting of a heading followed by the document title. It is ended by a card punched with both 7 and 8 in column 1.

The majority of jobs involve only one input document and have other simplifying features. See 2.6 for a simplified description of such jobs.

2.1.2 Document Titles
  1. A title is punched on one card.
  2. It may consist of any combination of characters (not more than 80)
  3. It must be different from the title of any other document held in the machine.
  4. It must not start with blank, comma, decimal -point or the word END.
  5. It is recommended that the first 6 characters be a job number (2.1.3), so that it is impossible for two documents belonging to different jobs to have identical titles and hence possibly violate rule (3).
  6. The title of a job description document must have the job number as the first 5 characters.
2.1.3 Job Numbers

Jobs originating at A.E.R.E. Harwell must have the job numbers constructed in the following way: the letter H followed by the four decimal digits of the charge number optionally followed by a fifth digit if the user requires further break-down of costing, etc.

2.1.4 Document Headings

The heading is one of the following

preceding a job description document (2.2)
preceding a program document (2.3)
preceding a data document

Alternatives which do not concern this manual are


2.2 The Job Description Document

This consists of a list of all input and output documents of the job, and if explicit use is made of magnetic tapes that use is specified.

2.2.1 Job Description - Input

This section begins with the word INPUT followed by a list of all the other input documents required for the job, each preceded by its logical number (i.e. the number by which it is referred to in the program). The reference number of the program document is zero.

    A program with the title
    may contain the statements
      READ c, list
      READ (l,d) list
      READ (2,d) list       (see Part I, 7.1)
The following job description cards would then be necessary

1 (Title of data document 1
2 (Title of data document 2
2.2.2 Job Description - Output

This section specifies the type of peripheral equipment to be used for each of the output streams. It begins with the word OUTPUT which is followed by a list of all the logical numbers of output documents (i.e. the numbers by which they are referred to in the program), each followed by the type of equipment to be used for its production. The equipment types are

  TELETYPE    ( 7 hole)
  ANY        (line printer if available, 7 hole paper tape if not)

Note that (1) outputs 0 and 15 are used by the Atlas Supervisor program and by the compiler but are still available for output from the program (in fact they will be the most commonly used channels).

(2) More than one logical number may be associated with the same peripheral device even if only one such device exists. The outputs streams are accumulated separately in the machine and are output one after the other.

2.2.3 Job Description - Magnetic Tapes

If a program uses magnetic tapes explicitly then each tape required is specified by two job description cards - a heading followed by a description.

The heading is either

a tape belonging to the user.
a tape, untitled and belonging to the system before the job is executed, titled and belonging to the user after execution of the job.
a tape untitled and belonging to the system both before and after execution of the job.

The description card contains

(a) The logical number of the tape (i.e. the number by which it is referred to in the program).

Except for TAPE COMMON this is followed by

(b) The tape number (A.E.R.E, tape numbers will consist of *H followed by four decimal digits)

and (c) The tape title.

If a private tape requires to be protected, item (a) is preceded by *.

2.2.4 Job Description - Output Limitation

The maximum amount of output in each output stream may be specified and if not specified 10 blocks is assumed. When the output in any stream has reached the specified (or assumed) maximum execution of the job is terminated.


A block is 512 words of 8 characters.

A line of print does not necessarily represent 132 characters nor a card 80. Each scores as many characters as specified by the relevant format statement, i.e. 20 X, 15, / is 26 characters. It appears that the average layout of printed matter contains about 40 characters per line and so a block is equivalent to about 3 pages. N.B. The output in streams 0 and 15 includes that from the supervisor and compiler.

2.2.5 Job Description - Time Limitations

The following job description card limits computing time


The job is stopped when this amount of computing time has been reached. In this context computing refers to the time during which the HARTRAN system rather than the Atlas Supervisor is in control and therefore includes compilation and loading as well as execution. Also time although specified in time units is in fact a measure of the number of instructions executed. Actual time may be specified and should be if significant tape waiting time is anticipated. For example:


If a limit is not specified


is assumed.

2.2.6 Job Description - Storage Requirements

The card


specifies that not more than S blocks of 512 are required by the program. If this card is omitted 20 blocks or 10240 words are allocated.

2.3 The Program Document

This consists of

  1. COMPILER HARTRAN (the heading)
  2. The program title (2.1.2)
  3. The program proper
  4. Data with logical number zero
  5. The document end card.

Section (c) is made up of any mixture of the following in any order

  1. FORTRAN routines written as described in Part I and punched as described in 2.4.
  2. ASP routine written and punched as described in A.E.R.E. R.4-285.
  3. BAS routines resulting from previous translation of either (a) or (b).

The routines are loaded in the same order as they appear in the card deck. If this order is not important (see I, 2.3.4 and II 2.5.6) the loading process is most efficient if all the BAS routines are placed before all the FORTRAN and/or ASP routines.

HARTRAN directives may be inserted at the head of section (c), between any two routines (but not between two cards of the same routine) or at the end of the section.

2.4 The Form of a FORTRAN Routine on Cards

A FORTRAN routine is punched on cards as follows:

  1. Each statement starts in column 7 of a new card and occupies columns 7-72 of as many cards as are necessary.
  2. The first card of a statement is blank or punched zero in column 6 and the continuation cards, if any, are punched with any character other than zero in column 6.
  3. The first or only card of a statement may contain a statement number punched in columns 1-5; continuation cards are unpunched in columns 1-5.
  4. Blanks are not significant in statement numbers or in the main body of a statement except text constants.
  5. Columns 73-80 of all cards are ignored by the compiler and may be used for identification, serial numbers, etc.
  6. Comments cards (punched π or C in column 1) may be included. They are ignored by the compiler and may appear anywhere in a routine even between two cards of the same statement.
  7. Any characters following the character π, except in a TEXT constant (see Part I, 4.1 ) also constitute a comment. A comment so introduced is not continued on the following card unless this is explicitly made a comment card by a π or C punching in column 1.

2.5 HARTRAN Directives

HARTRAN directive cards are recognised by the presence of * in column 1. The type of directive is punched in columns 2-8, left-adjusted with no inserted blanks. Further information may be punched in columns 9-72; blanks are not significant, a free format is used, a number of items may be specified each terminated by a comma or column 72. Columns 73-80 are ignored by the loader and may be used for labelling, serial numbering, etc.

The first card of each BAS routine is a directive and identifies the routine as being a BAS routine. This card is produced by the compiler or assembler and hence is not normally punched by the programmer. It has a rigid format which is described in 3.3.

2.5.1 *FORTRAN

This card may precede any FORTRAN routine. It is essential before the first FORTRAN routine and also before any FORTRAN routine which is preceded by an ASP or BAS routine.

Columns 9-72 may optionally contain any selection of the following words in any order and separated by commas:-


CARDS is assumed unless NO CARDS appears

LABEL is assumed unless NO LABEL appears

NO LIST is assumed unless LIST appears

If no directive card is present before a routine then the same combination is taken as for the previous FORTRAN routine.

CARDS states that the BAS routine on cards is required.

LABEL causes a 6 characters label followed by a two-digit (decimal) serial number to be punched in columns 73-80 of the BAS cards, and the label to appear in the printed output from the compiler. The label is constructed by taking columns 2-7 of the first comments card in the routine, ignoring blanks and left adjusting the non-blank characters. If no comments Card is contained in the routine the name of the routine is taken for the label.

LIST causes the printed output from the compiler to include an ASP-like listing of the compiled routine and deletes execution.

2.5.2 *ASP or *ASP NOCARDS

May precede an ASP routine. A directive is essential before the first ASP routine of the program and before any ASP routine immediately preceded by a FORTRAN or BAS routine.

2.5.3 *ENTER

This marks the end of the program and that execution is required. If loading is successfully completed execution follows, any cards following the directive being treated as data.

2.5.4 *COMPILE

This directive is placed before the first routine of a job which consists only of compilations and/or assemblies. It is then an error if the deck contains any BAS routines or any directives other than * FORTRAN or *ASP.

2.5.5 *DEFINE

Any number of cards

*DEFINE d1, d2, d3, ..., dn

may be included in the deck.

d1, d2, d3, ..., dn are definitions of the form a1, a2, a3, .., am = b where a1, a2, a3, .., am are PARAMETERS not previously defined and b is an expression involving constants and/or previously defined symbols.

The expression is evaluated and the value assigned to the named PARAMETERS.

2.5.6 *RENAME

Any number of cards

*RENAME a1 = b1, a2 = b2, a3 = b3, = bn

may "be placed in the deck.

a1, a2, a3 are routine names or PUBLIC variable identifiers in routines which follow this directive.

b1, b2, b3 are routine names or PUBLIC variable identifiers in routines which precede this directive.

It causes references to ai in the following routines and to bi in the preceding routines to be the same entity.

Interchange of two names (a and b) may be effected by

* RENAME c = a, a = b, b = c  

2.6 Presentation of a Simple Job

A simple job, not using magnetic tape explicitly, having only one input stream, and using only PRINT and PUNCH statements for output may be presented as a single document made up as follows:-

(a) JOB
(b) Title         (see 2.1.2 and 2.1.3)
    0 LINE PRINTER p LINES (where not more than p lines of output is expected
    15 CARDS q CARDS (where not more than q cards are expected to be output) 
(c) COMPUTING r SECONDS (where the execution time is not expected to exceed r seconds) 
    [N.B. the limits p, q and r include compiling and loading as well as execution]
(e) The program  (see 2.3, 2.4, 2.5)
(f) The data
(g) The document end card punched with both 7 and 8 in column 1.

3. The Compiling Phase

3.1 Several

During this phase all correctly written FORTRAN routines are compiled. If any is at fault and compilation cannot be completed this does not inhibit the processing of other routines. Nor does the presence of an error in a routine immediately stop the processing of that routine, further errors may be found but the compiler may be misled; it may miss real errors and invent others, there is no guarantee that the correction of those errors diagnosed will lead to a correct routine.

3.2 Printed Output from the Compiler

  1. A listing of the FORTRAN routine exactly as presented apart from the addition of the Line Number printed to the left of the first (or only) line of each statement. This will be of use in the understanding of execution errors (see Chapter 5). In the event of any violation of the rules of Part I a diagnostic print (3.4) is included. If the error can be assigned to a particular statement the diagnostic will follow that statement, as in the examples in 3.4. Other diagnostics will appear at the end of the listing
  2. A list of all identifiers used together with their
    1. type; scalar, array, function (i.e. local function), routine, label or parameter.
    2. mode:(when applicable): integer, real, double length, complex, logical or text, and
    3. storage types local (private), common, public or block.
  3. A listing of the routine in ASP-like language if this is requested (2.5.1).

3.3 Punched Card Output

The BAS routine resulting from a compilation consists of:

The first card is punched as follows:-

Columns 1  - 4   *BAS
        9  - 16  The name of the routine, left adjusted. 
        17 - 23  The entry point, relative to routine origin. 
        25 - 31  The length of the routine, i.e. the total number of words, program and private storage. 
        33 - 39  Number of auxiliary symbols defined [in an ASP routine, zero with a FORTRAN routine]. 
        41 - 47  Number of words of common storage used.

All numbers are in octal and right adjusted.

* BAS  SIN  1   27   1   0

[The BAS routine SIN has entry at relative (relocatable) address 1, is of length 278 (=2310), uses one auxiliary symbol and no common store].

The remaining cards are all binary. They are all punched in rows 7 and 9 in column 1 and all but the last one also punched + in column 1. The format of binary information is not described in this manual.

Columns 73 - 80 constitutes the label field

3.4 Diagnostic Prints

The diagnostic prints given by the compiler are brief. They vary in form but all contain the word ERROR followed immediately by a number. It is frequently sufficient for it to be pointed out that a particular FORTRAN statement is in error, the error being obvious on examination. If the nature of the error is not obvious and for diagnostic not associated with a particular statement the tables given below should be consulted.

The errors diagnosed are of various types, characterised by the range of the key number, k. Not all key numbers are used, as the list was built up during development of the compiler, and some "errors" became obsolete.

Possible Errors (k < 0)

These "errors" are mainly comments: anything looking a little strange is flagged just in case it is an error. If necessary an assumption is made about the intended meaning. In the compile and go system, execution will not be deleted for this class of error.


      I = 9K

There are adjacent elements in the expression on the right-hand side, i.e. there is no operator between the 9 and the K. The error is detected when the K appears when an operator is expected: i.e. at position 10 of the line, assuming that I=9K occupies columns 7 to 10 of the card. The number in parentheses in this case is a function of what characters are legal at this point. The intended meaning is presumed to have been

      I = 9*K

although the error could have arisen through some other mistake, e.g. a missing zone punch on the card, which should read I = IK.

Grammatical Errors (0 < k < 1000)

These errors are of a more serious type and may subsequently cause execution to be deleted. A card is "window-punched" with the word FAILED.



There are too many left parentheses in the expression. The error is not detected until the whole of the card has been scanned, hence the pointer to position 72. For further processing, the statement is amended by adding a further ) at the end.

Overflow Errors (1000 < k)

These are an indication that the compiler has been overtaxed in some way. A partial list is given. For remedial action and for those not listed consult a system specialist.

Possible Errors
-   1	Adjacent elements in an expression   
-   3	Too few subscripts 
-   4 	Constant too long
-   6	Superfluous number in DIMENSION statement
-   7	Incorrect or missing punctuation
-   8	Inconsistent mode declarations
-   9	Incorrect separator after an identifier
-  12	Numerical element in logical segment
-  14	Parameter previously defined as integer scalar
-  15	FUNCTION or SUBROUTINE not first statement
-  16	FUNCTION with no dummy arguments
-  17	Statement obviously inaccessible (unnumbered)
-  18	Statement at end of loop cannot legally be reached   
-  23	Multiplication by zero
-  24	Only one successor in a computed GO TO
-  25	Missing comma in assigned GO TO         
-  26	No successor after GO TO
-  27	Incomplete ASSIGN statement
-  28	TO omitted from ASSIGN statement
-  29	Assigned GO TO with zero of blank successor
-  30	Dimensions multiply defined, but consistent
-  31	ATANF with two arguments
-  31	MODF or AMODF with one argument
-  33	MAXF etc., with one argument
-  34	Exponentiation segment with more than two operands
-  35	COMMON block length specified
-  38	FORMAT statement number multiply defined
-  39	FORMAT statement with no specification
-  40	Insufficient successors after IF
-  41	All successors after IF the same
-  42	Logical or Text element in numerical segment
-  44	Possible path of control to END statement
-  45	FORMAT statement number is same as one on executable statement
-  47	Text constant nil extends beyond end of statement
-  48	Last statement of loop contains a jump to its immediate successor
-  49	DO,FOR: integer occurs when index expected
-  50	Extra argument given in library operation (e.g. REWIND 2,3)
-  52	TRUNCATION: unrecognised or superfluous name
-  53	TRUNCATION statement incomplete                         
-  54	ASSIGN contains extra successor
-  55	EQUIVALENCE: missing group parenthesis
-  56	EQUIVALENCE: missing subscript
-  57	Boolean constant too long
-  58	Boolean field too big
-  59	AFTER ERROR: extra routine name specified
-  60	Identifier used both as label and calculation variable
-  61	PUBLIC contains a dummy argument
-  62	COMMON contains a dummy argument
-  63	EQUIVALENCE contains a reference to a parametric array
-  64	TRUNCATION statement recurs
-  05	Subroutine name usea inside routine
-  66	Function name was not used in routine                  
-  67	No path of control to this basic block
-  08	(Follows error 54 and gives positions of references)
-  69	ASSIGN successor undefined
-  70	Confused input/output statement
-  71	Strange statement REAL) DRUM WRITE DRUM
-  72	Hollerith constant or format spec, prematurely terminated
-  73	Strange statement WRITE
-  74	Input/output statement: unit or format identifier subscripted
-  75	Format identifier is not a TEXT array
-  76	Input/output statement: unit identifier is an array
-  77	Jump statement mentions itself as a successor
-  79	CALL subroutine name has been used otherwise
-  81	FORMAT statement unnumbered       
-  82	Implied truncation
-  83	Integer constant in an expression is out of range
-  84	EQUIVALENCE: only one or no term in parenthesis        
-  85	Incompatible modes: LHS logical or text, RHS numerical
-  86	Incompatible modes: LHS numerical, RHS logical or text
-  87	Only two successors given for an arithmetic IF
-  88	Name appears in COMMON or PUBLIC more than once
-  89	Incompatible modes RHS complex, double length, text or logical
-  90	Last statement in a loop is a jump   
Grammatical Errors
1	Too many subscripts           
2	IF: parentheses do no match      
3	Too many right parentheses in a statement
4	IF: to many successors
5	Adjacent operators in an expression
6	DIMENSION: array name already used as a function or declared parameter
7	Illegal character
8	Too many left parenthesis in a statement
9	DIMENSION: array name has numeric first character
10	DIMENSION: dimension real or missing
12	Illegal character in column 1
14 	Identifier in an expression too long
15	Letter or punctuation in definition of statement number            
16	Multiple definition of statement number on executable statements
18	Illegal nest structure for loops
24	Wrong number of arguments in call of a macro (open standard function)
27	Unrecognised .CODE.
28	Expression ends in wrong phase
29	No dot terminating .CODE.                
30	Illegal combination of operators in one segment
31	DO or FOR: wrong number of control parameters
32	DO or FOR: control parameters not integer or real
33	Statement contains, at level zero after = at level zero, but is not a DO or FOR            
35	Routine already named
36	SUBROUTINE, FUNCTION: dummy arguments duplicated in argument list
37	Parameter name previously defined
38	Expression on left-hand side of a calculation statement
41	Division by zero
42	ASSIGN: zero successor
43	Identifier in a declaration already used as a function
44	Dimensions multiply defined and inconsistent                
45	COMMON: dimension not consistent
46	PUBLIC: variable dimension not declared parametric
47	COMMON, PUBLIC: identifier already used in other sense
48	IF: no successors or possibly parentheses not matching
49	EXTERNAL: identifier already used otherwise
50	Function or array name previously used as a scalar              
52	Loops incomplete                                
54	Undefined successor                              
55	Undefined FORMAT                     
56	DO, FOR: loop ends on a transfer statement         
57	Unmatched REPEAT                          
58	DO: FOR: index used in another current loop        
59	IF: comma segment
60	Constant on left-hand side of a calculation statement      
61	DO: FOR finishes a loop
62	DO: FOR: abatement number has already appeared
63	COMMON, PUBLIC, identifier is a function
64	Unrecognised statement                
65	COMMON, PUBLIC, identifier is a parameter
66	EQUIVALENCE: variable in subscript
67	Statement number used was defined within a loop
68	Statement number defined has a jump to it from outside this loop
69	EQUIVALENCE: subscripted name not declared an array
70	EQUIVALENCE: identifier is a function                    
71	EQUIVALENCE: too many subscripts in subscripted variable
72	EQUIVALENCE: array has a variable dimension
73	EQUIVALENCE: inconsistent specification
74-	EQUIVALENCE: two items in COMMON
75	DO, FOR: wrong separators          
76	BLOCK name used as a variable
77	Dummy argument is a local function
78	Dummy argument is macro
79	Dummy argument is common block name
80	Dummy argument repeated
82	Local function contains a subscript
83	Local function used before definition or multiply defined
86	Routine name used as array, function or parameter
87	Input/output: index of loop is not a variable
88	Input/output: unit number not an integer scalar
89	EQUIVALENCE: variable not local, common, public or block
90	DO, FOR: index not a scalar variable
91	Input/output: left parenthesis probably introducing a subscript
92	CALL: routine name has been declared or used in another mode
93	Relation segment: explicit comma appears
94	Array name used as scalar variable
95	Function name used as scalar variable
96	Expression in an input list
97	GO TO: more than one successor
98	GO TO: illegal punctuation
99	GO TO: missing expression in computed GO TO
100	ASSIGN: illegal punctuation
101	EQUIVALENCE: illegal punctuation
102	Local function name previously used as a scalar, array, or local function
103	Local function: mixed complex, double length, logical or text in assignment
104	Local function dummy argument is not a scalar
105	CALL: illegal name on punctuation                 
106	Boolean constant contains the digit 8 or 9
Overflow Errors
1004 Expression too long
1005 Expression too long
1006 Expression too long
1007 Expression too long
1009 Expression too long
1011 Too many entries for list
1015 List of Hollerith text full
1016 Expression too long
1017 Expression too long
1017 Routine too long (≥32K)
1019 Input/output list too long
1020 Segment too long (≥100 operands)
1021 Input/output list too long                           
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