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Some Proposals for the Realization of a Certain Assembly Program

R A Brooker and D Morris

Published in Computer Journal, 1961

University of Manchester

Some proposals are described for a method of implementing an input routine, which would permit the user to define the meaning of the statements he uses. It is hoped that a program will be developed along these lines for the Atlas computer.

In a previous paper we discussed the principal user aspects of An Assembly Program for a Phrase Structure Language (Brooker and Morris, 1960). In the present paper we describe how the scheme is implemented, and for this purpose we assume a knowledge of the terminology and content of the earlier paper. It is the function of the mechanism described to read and store the definition of an autocode language (in the form of phrase definitions and statement definitions), and then to translate programs written in this language. We discuss first the method of using the store, and the storage of definitions.

1. The Method of Using the Computer Store

We have already described how the store is split into a conventionally addressed section and a chain store, and have discussed the advantages which are offered by the latter for manipulating information in the form of lists. A conventional section is desirable because it offers two important advantages:

  1. The storage requirements are approximately halved.
  2. Lists of words can be more easily scanned in either direction.

The basis of our compromise is that most of the working operations (i.e. the assembly and manipulation of lists) are carried out in the chain store, and the assembled reference material is transferred to the conventional part of the store. It is chiefly as a record store, therefore, that the conventional section is used. We provide for the essential manipulation of items in this store by the following means.

At the beginning of the record store an index is kept which contains the address of every item in the record store, and items are always referred to by means of their index number. Whenever a new item is entered in the record store the index number allocated to it will correspond to the next available register in the index, unless some other item has become redundant, in which case its index number will be taken over by the new item. It is only the index register of a redundant item which is re-allocated. The space it occupies is recovered by other means, namely by sliding back all the items beyond the redundant one, so as to fill the vacant space and release an equal amount at the available end. This means that all the items should be store invariant. They are made so by writing all internal references relative to the origin of the item (external references are simply index numbers). In order to up date the index after items have been slid back it is necessary to subtract a constant (equal to the number of words recovered) from every address in the index which is larger than that of the reclaimed space.

A similar operation to the above can be carried out in order to extend an item. This facility avoids the necessity of making extravagant (safe) estimates for variable-length items (e.g. the index).

Obviously it is not practicable to use the record store for items whose usefulness is of short duration, or for items which are subject to frequent alteration. In our application, however, a large volume of information, such as the phrase definitions and statement definitions, is relatively static and can be profitably filed away so as to release some storage space.

2. Storage of Phrase Definitions

A phrase definition is the list of alternative phrases which comprise the class of phrase in question. Each alternative phrase is a string of basic symbols and/or class identifiers. By means which are described later the external multicharacter form of the identifiers (e.g. [TERM]) is reduced to a single (address) word after input (both forms are referred to as class identifiers). Basic symbols are also represented in the same form, but the numerical values assigned to them are confined to a different range. Address words, as we have already mentioned, have two irrelevant digits at the least significant end which can be used to distinguish different types of word. An ordinary untagged word is referred to as W. At the end of each string (i.e. phrase) we add a word containing the category number of the phrase within its class. This word is given a tag which marks it as a terminal word (written W).

It is expected that in many definitions, some of the alternatives will have common stems, and dictionary grouping would therefore be advantageous. For example, the alternatives

A	B	C	1
A	B	E	2
B	E	C   D   3
B	E	C	4
A	E	C	5
A	B	D	6
           C  1
   |B     |E  2
   |      |D  6
A  |      
   |E  C  5
B  E  C   |D  3

In order to represent a dictionary linearly, we distinguish a further type of word called a branch word (&). This word contains the address of one branch whilst the other continues in the next location. For example, the above dictionary may be written

& A & B & C 1 & E 2 D 6 E C 5 B E C & D 3 4

This could be recorded either as a chain of 22 words in the chain store, or in a set of 22 consecutive registers in the conventional store.

We adopt the convention, when reading a linear dictionary, of taking the straight-on path first and recording the addresses of the alternative paths in a nest. If the straight-on path does not contain the information sought, then the last entry in the nest is explored, and so on.

The above grouping involves rearranging the alternatives within a class. If they are all mutually exclusive this is acceptable; if they are not, then we expect the order to reflect the order of preference of the non-mutually exclusive alternatives. In this case the user should write the phrase in order of preference before the first alternative. Limited dictionary grouping may still be possible whilst preserving the original order. For example, the above dictionary could be re-formed as

& A B & C 1 E 2 & B E C & D 3 4 A & E C 5 B D 6

A complete phrase definition is represented by a dictionary (called the class dictionary), supplemented by six other words. One of these additional words contains miscellaneous information, such as the number of alternatives in the class, and the other five are key words. Each of the 120 binary digits of the keywords is associated with a particular basic (or composite) character; the digit is a 1 if the character it represents is a permissible starting symbol of the class of phrase in question, otherwise it is 0. The keywords are subsequently used by the expression recognition routine to answer questions of the type can the word A be the starting symbol of a phrase of class C? (say). If A represents a basic symbol, reference to the appropriate digit of the keywords will give a direct answer. However, if A is a class identifier, then C may begin with A only if all the 1's in the keywords for A are contained in those for C. That is an answer may be might be given and the alternatives in C are then tentatively compared with A.

If any member of a class starts with the identifier of a class which has not yet been defined then the keywords for the class cannot be completed. We therefore keep a list, in the chain store, of all the definitions which are incomplete, together with the outstanding definitions whose keywords they require. This list is updated whenever a complete set of keywords is obtained.

A complete phrase definition is assembled as a chain thus:

          miscellaneous information 

It is then transferred to the record store, and the index allocated to it becomes the associated internal class identifier. Conversion from an external multi-character identifier to the internal (index number) form is accomplished by means of the class identifier dictionary.

3. The Class Identifier Dictionary (CID)

As each phrase definition is recorded, a corresponding entry is made in the CID. This entry consists of a string of words containing the symbols of the identifier in question, terminated by a word containing the associated index number. If a class identifier occurs on the right-hand side of a definition before it has itself been defined, a provisional index number (to be used when the definition appears) is allocated to it and it is entered in the CID.

The structure of the CID is similar to that of a class dictionary, but it is retained in the chain store since it is frequently extended. All the entries are of course mutually exclusive, since each is a different string of basic symbols.

4. Qualified Class Identifier

In addition to writing simple class identifiers the user may also qualify them by means of * and ? which indicate, an arbitrary number of appearances of, and an optional appearance of. Whenever an identifier, qualified in a particular way, is encountered for the first time, its formal definition is synthesized according to the rules:


The definition thus constructed is recorded along with the other phrase definitions, and the qualified identifier is added to the CID.

5. Statement Format Dictionary

In the case of recursively defined statements it may not be possible to define the meaning of each in terms of previously defined statements only. For this reason we require that statement formats be defined independently of the definition of their meaning, and before they appear in any other context. Each format thus defined is added to the statement format dictionary. The terminal word of each entry (i.e. format) in this dictionary contains the index number to be allocated to its definition (when this is subsequently presented). In the meantime the corresponding register in the index will contain a dummy word which will not interfere with the working of the record store. Like the CID the statement format dictionary is also retained in the chain store.

Before we continue to describe the method of storing statement definitions, it is convenient to describe the routine which is used to recognize and analyse statements.

6. The Expression Recognition Routine (ERR)

This routine is concerned with recognizing expressions of basic symbols and/or class identifiers which can be generated from any of the phrase definitions or statement formats. An expression is generated by selecting a particular format (say) and replacing any or all of its class identifiers by particular phrases (or forms of phrases) consistent with their definitions. This process can be repeated until all the class identifiers have been reduced to basic symbols (as would be the case, for example, in statements occurring in the source program). Alternatively, the process can be stopped whilst some class identifiers remain, and these are then the parameters of the expression.

The generation of the parametric statement Y = xY + V(i-1), for example, from the format Y = [GE] may be illustrated by the substitution tree.

Y = [GE] [±?] T [±T*?] nil [Q*] [/Q?] [±T*] Q [Q*] nil [±T] Y Q [±T] V Y + [Q*] [/Q?] x Q nil Y V( I ± N) i - 1

It is the function of the ERR to reconstruct the substitution tree and to determine the format from which it was derived.

For example, suppose the expression to be identified is J1, J2, .. and that the stem J1, J2 .. Jj-1 has been recognized as being consistent with the stem I1, I2 .. Ii-1 of a statement format I (say). Now the ERR asks is Jj = Ii? If it is then i and j are advanced and the question is repeated. Otherwise the question is Jj a possible first word of Ii? is asked. A negative answer here means that J1, J2 ... is not of the form I, and the next alternative statement format is investigated. However, if the answer is yes, then the problem is to compare Jj, Jj+1, . . . with the alternatives of class Ii. This is essentially similar to the original problem of comparing J1, J2 ... to all the alternatives of the class of procedure formats, and can be dealt with by recursive use of the ERR.

For this purpose the ERR records all the current counts in a nest, and re-enters itself at a lower level with the address of the class dictionary for Ii replacing the address of the SFD. After this recursion has proceeded as far as is necessary, either to verify that a phrase Jj, Jj+1, ... Jj+m (say) is a particular member of Ii or that no such phrase exists, control will return to the primary level. If the phrase has not been recognized the alternative I is abandoned as above. Otherwise i will have been advanced by 1 and j by m+1, and the process is repeated. Ultimate success is signalled if the end of the expression J1, J2 . . . and the end of I (i.e. the index number of its definition) are encountered simultaneously.

At all levels of the recursion the dictionary branch words are nested along with the current value of j, the dimension of the stem which has been recognized up to that point. When the search along a particular path proves fruitless, the path defined by the last entry in the nest is explored with j reset.

Nothing has so far been said about the form of the record produced by the ERR. It is, in fact, a one-dimensional representation of the substitution tree, and is called the analysis record.

7. The Analysis Record

This takes the form of a list in which the items are sublists and hence are of variable length. In order to accommodate variable length items in a list we insert before each item an & word, which contains the address of the & word preceding the next item. The word before the last item is replaced by an ordinary word and the list takes the form

& (item 1) & (item 2) & . . . . . . . W (last item)

At the top level of the analysis record the items correspond (see below) to the identifiers of the recognized format, and the word W terminating the list contains its index number. No record is kept of the basic symbols which appear in the format because the success of the recognition process implies their presence. This contracting out of basic symbols is applied at all levels of the analysis record.

If a class identifier of the format also appears in the expression under analysis, then it represents a parameter whose value is to be supplied later. When this happens the analysis record will be contained in the chain store (see under Translation Routine), so that the actual values of parameters can be simply linked into the record. Hence there is no need to leave a provisional space, and instead the corresponding item in the record is completely omitted by linking the & word preceding it to the & word preceding the next item, and the parameter is recorded elsewhere (see below - the APL).

If a class identifier does not appear explicitly in the expression then it will have been replaced by one of the alternative strings of the class it represents. In this case the item in the record is itself a list whose items correspond to the class identifiers of the particular alternative, and the word terminating this list-structure will be the category number associated with that alternative. Eventually, where the regression does not end at parameters, it will end in a list having no items (i.e. only basic symbols which are omitted). The category number of these empty lists is recorded as an isolated terminal word.

The parameters of an expression analysed by the ERR are recorded in a separate list called the associated parameters list (APL). Each item in this list occupies five words which are used as follows:

  1. The first of these words is the class identifier.
  2. The second word contains the label (if any) which distinguishes it from other appearances of the same class of phrase. If the class identifier is not labelled, this word will be given a tag which indicates that its contents are irrelevant (note that we do not need to distinguish words for any other purpose in this list).
  3. The third type of word is associated with the bracketed type of label which indicates a particular appearance of a repeated item. If present this label may be either an α, a β, or an integer, or alternatively it may be omitted. We use all four permutations of the tag digits to distinguish these cases, and the index of any α or β concerned is recorded as an integer.
  4. The fourth word contains the address of the link word which has to be connected to the parameter in question.
  5. The last word is used to record the original value of the link so that the chain can be restored if a parameter is subsequently disconnected.

As an example of an analysis record we present in Table 1 the record for Y = xY + V(i - 1) analysed with regard to Y = [GE]. The APL is not given, but the points where the parameters have to be inserted are indicated by pY and pV.

& I & 2 & & & 1 1 12 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 & 1 1 & 2 1 & & 1 & 2 5 1 1 2 [GE] [±T*?] [±T*] [±T] T [Q*] [Q] Y=V(I±N) T [Q*] [Q*] Q Q index no. of Y = [GE] pY pY pV No. ± x No. [/Q] + i - N=1 No. [/Q]
Table 1

In a later section we introduce a pseudo class identifier denoting the class of phrase identifiers. When this is encountered it is treated separately by the ERR, and the record takes a special form. It utilizes a fourth kind of word, namely a block word denoted by Bn, and meaning regard the next n words as a block of information and ignore their tag digits even though they may coincide with those of & and W words or even the block word itself.

8. Packing of Analysis Records

When the analysis records of the substatements in a statement definition are transferred to the record store, they are encoded (or packed) according to the following scheme, which takes advantage of the fact that they are largely comprised of small integers. Since they would not in any case be used in situ, the time taken to unpack them is worth expending for the resulting gain in storage space. If, however, the need for economy in space is not so great, then the more frequently used definitions could be transferred to the record section without being packed. In this case the APL would still be incorporated in the analysis record, as below.

In an analysis record the words &, W, W, Bn are distinguished by means of different combinations of the two least significant digits. In what follows it is of interest to state the exact forms which these tags take.

& takes the form   (address part)	. 11
W takes the form   (address part)	. 10
W takes the form   (address part)	. 00
Bn takes the form   (address part)	. 01

The first step in packing an analysis record is to incorporate in it the APL. This means inserting each parameter (i.e. the first three words of each entry in the APL) at the appropriate point of the record. These parameter strings are prefixed by a special symbol p (say), which could be represented by a block word with a negative address part. Next we drop the addresses from the & words and regard them as left brackets. Consider for the moment a corresponding right bracket preceding each word whose address is contained in an & word. The analysis record given above would then appear as

( p W W W ) I ( 2 ) ( ( ( 1 1 12 ) 1 2 1 p W W W ) 1 2 ) 1 1 2 ( 1 ) 1 ( 2 1 ( p W W W ) ( 1 ) ( 2 ) 5 1 ) 1 2 3 words describing Y 3 words describing Y 3 words describing V

Obviously the original form can easily be restored. Now we drop all the right brackets since it is evident that all terminal words, parameter strings (and blocks denoted by Bn), imply a following right bracket. We now have a string of words containing short integers (in which the least significant two digits are relevant), and the two separator words denoting ( and p. This is packed as a sequence of consecutive characters (a 24-bit word comprises 4 characters) in the conventional store, according to the following rules.

  1. A word in which only the least significant 6 bits are relevant, and in which the two least significant bits are different from 11, is stored as one character. (Since the & word has been omitted only those (few) words following a Bn or p may terminate with 11.)
  2. A word in which not more than 9 bits are relevant, but excluding the above type, is stored as the most significant 9 bits of two characters whose remaining three bits are 111. (This includes words which terminate in 11.)
  3. Any word in which more than 9 bits are relevant is retained as 4 characters and is preceded by a character whose 4 least significant bits are 1011.
  4. A p symbol is represented by a single character -δ10011.
  5. A ( symbol is represented by a single character -δ00011.

The procedure for unpacking a record is to examine it character by character. If the least significant two bits of a character differ from 11, it is restored as a 24-bit word and the next character is examined. Otherwise the least significant bits of the character must take one of the following forms: 111, 1011, 10011, 00011. A character different from all these could be used to mark the end of the record.

Recognition of the above character endings denote respectively:

9. The Built-in Expressions and Formats

In order to use the ERR to recognize the basic listing instructions and parameter operations in addition to the statements which the user defines, we supplement the SFD by a dictionary of built-in operations. This dictionary consists of the following formats:

[αβ] = [word]
[αβ] = [word]θ[word]
([addr]) = [word]
([addr]) = [word]θ[word]
→ [αβN] [IU] [word]φ[word]
→ [αβN]
Let π = [some π expression]
Let π ≡ [some π expression]
→ [αβN] [IU] π ≡ [some π expression]
→ [αβN] [IU] π = π
[αβ] = category of π
[αβ] = number of π

The definitions of the following expressions are also built-in.

N = [D*]
K = N, N., .N, N.N
β = β1, β2, .. etc
[αβ] = α, β
[αβN] = α, β, N
[addr] = [αβ], [αβ] + [αβN], [αβ] - [αβN], [αβ] ⊕ [αβN]
[word] = [addr], ([addr]), N.D, .D, N
[θ] = +,-,x,/,&,∨,≢
[φ] = =,≠,>,≥,<,≤
[IU} = if, unless
π = "any phrase identifier"
[some π expression] = "any expression consistent with the definition of π"

With the exception of K, which is built-in because it is a frequently occurring expression, these definitions are required in order to interpret the dictionary of built-in operations. They are also available to the user as constituents of the phrases which he defines, although some have meanings so special that it is unlikely they would be used except in defining the system in terms of itself. The analysis record associated with most of the above expressions is consistent with previous descriptions, and we mention below the exceptions to this, which are treated as special cases by the ERR.

In the case of π, the analysis record takes the form of a block of three words, containing the identifier and its labels (if any) encoded in the same manner as the parameters of a statement (see previous description of the APL). The record for the [some π expression] will be consistent with the definition of the phrase identified in π.

Four other built-in expressions, namely, N, K, α, β, are also treated in a special manner. Expressions of the type N are subjected to decimal-binary conversion and the resulting integers are recorded as if they were the category numbers of the class (ie. N can be regarded as a class having 221 - 1 members). An expression of the type K will also be subjected to decimal-binary conversion, but this time the result will be recorded as a 48-bit floating-point number. This number will be added to a central list (unless it already appears there) and the category number in the analysis record will contain its address (or the address of the previous appearance of the same number). In the case of α the category number in the analysis record will contain its index. The record for a β is similar, but is more fully described under Translation Routine

10. The Storage of Statement Definitions

A statement definition is a list of substatements, basic listing instructions, and parameter operations. Each line in this list is submitted to the ERR on input, and an analysis record and APL are thus obtained.

The statement heading is also subjected to this treatment and analysed with respect to the corresponding format in the SFD (the purpose of this will become evident later). At the same time as the definition is read, a directory is assembled, noting the relative position within the definition of those lines which have primary labels. The assembled definition takes the form of a list employing & words, thus:

& (directory) & (statement heading) & (1st instruction) ...

which is then transferred to the next available space in the record store and the index is set accordingly. Here the & words and the directory occupy single registers, whilst each line of the definition is a packed analysis record. The first two registers of the directory are associated with the β's used in the definition and not with the primary labels. One gives the maximum index of the β's and the other (only relevant when a definition is in use) contains the address of the first of a conventional set of registers allocated to the β's. The addresses in the directory and in the & words of the list will be those of the & words preceding the lines to which they refer, given relative to the first & word of the definition.

We may now describe the sequence of events which occurs when a source program instruction is encountered.

11. The Translation Routine

Each source program instruction will be analysed by the ERR. This produces an analysis record, and the index number of the relevant statement definition. These are handed on to the master routine whose function is to translate the instruction with the aid of the definition in question, and any other definitions which this may call in.

Two working lists which this routine requires are set up on entry. The first is the list of registers to be used by the βi of the definition. For this list we allocate the next available set of registers in a part of the conventional store reserved for this purpose. The address of the first of the allocated registers is entered in the first register of the directory associated with the current definition, and a count which contains the address of the next available register in the reserved store is advanced by the number of β's used in the current definition (i.e. the second word in its directory). We shall see later that a definition must be able to refer back to the β list of a previous definition. For this reason a β (say βn) is represented in an analysis record as (64 P + n), where P is the index number of the definition in which it occurs. Thus by extracting the P and referring to the associated definition (in particular the first word of its directory), the relevant β list is located. The above implies that no definition uses more than 64 β's. Definitions may also be used recursively and for this reason the contents of the first register in a directory are never destroyed. Instead they are nested when the β list is set up and restored when the present use of the definition terminates.

For the second working list we use a chain. This contains information relating to the expressions which are singled out in the analysis record of the instruction under analysis. It is called the list of selected expressions (LSE). The first entries in this list correspond to the parameters of the statement heading, and are entered by using the analysis record of the statement heading as if it was an instruction of the type: Let (the instruction under analysis) ≡ (the statement heading). Subsequent entries are also made when further instructions of the above type (and other parameter operations) are encountered (see below). Each entry in the LSE consists of three words, namely, the class identifier, the label (if any) which distinguishes it from other expressions of the same class, and the address of the item corresponding to it in the analysis record.

After these two lists have been set up the definition is obeyed beginning at the line following the statement heading which, like any other line, can be either a substatement, a basic listing instruction, a parameter operation, or an END.

Before a substatement or basic listing instruction can be obeyed, its analysis record must be unpacked into the chain store. Next, the current values of any parameters it contains are substituted. If a parameter does not involve a particular appearance of a repeated item the substitution is straightforward (we discuss the alternative at the end of this section). The parameters to be substituted are described in the first two words of each entry in the APL. By comparing these with the first two words of each entry in the LSE the parts of the analysis record corresponding to the required subexpressions are located. It then remains to take the address of the sub-expression from the LSE and enter it in the link word whose address is in the fourth position in the APL, and to record the previous value of this link word in the fifth position in the APL. Examination of the index number of the (now complete) analysis record decides whether it is a substatement or a basic listing instruction, which are dealt with as follows:

(1) Substatements

With the parameter substitutions effected, a substatement corresponds to a particular source program instruction, and the translation routine uses itself recursively in order to translate it. All the counts relating to the current level are recorded in a nest. These include

  1. the address of the current statement definition,
  2. the address within this definition of the current substatement,
  3. the address of the LSE,
  4. the next available location in the space reserved for β's,
  5. the address of the current analysis record.

The unpacked analysis record of the substatement now becomes the analysis record of the instruction under analysis, and the synthesis routine enters itself at a lower level to execute the associated definition.

(2) Basic listing instructions

These are executed by an interpretive routine which scans their analysis record to determine the required sequence of machine operations.

The Parameter operations are also unpacked and executed by interpretive routines, but the details are of more interest. In the type Let π = [some π expression]; π is the name of a particular sub-expression of the instruction under analysis, and [some π expression] will be an analysis record for a similar expression involving parameters. These parameters will be in the APL for the instruction but will not appear in the LSE, since it is the function of the instruction to identify the parts of the analysis record corresponding to them, and to make the relevant entries in the LSE. For this reason the parameter linking operation is omitted when the instruction is unpacked. The left-hand side expression is located by means of the LSE, and the corresponding part of the analysis record is compared with that of the right-hand side [some π expression], by means of the tree comparison routine.

It is the function of this routine to verify that the two trees are of the same form and to locate the sub-trees of the former which correspond to the parameters of the latter. This means tracing through the structure of the former and checking that the latter contains the same integers in its ordinary and terminal words (W and W) and that it branches at the same points. Complete correspondence is expected except when a branch of the [some π expression] tree is prematurely terminated and the remainder is represented by a parameter. These points are recorded in the APL, and when the trace reaches them the address of the corresponding point in the other tree is noted and the next branch is explored. Any other discrepancy between the two trees violates the equality. If the equality is satisfied, the end of the two trees will be reached simultaneously. In this case the parameters contained in the APL are added to the LSE, together with the addresses of the corresponding parts of the analysis record.

In the case of the let π = . . . instruction only success is acceptable, and failure leads to an error print routine. However, in the type → [αβN] [IU] π ≡ [some π expression] which is otherwise identical, either success or failure is accepted and will decide which instruction is to be obeyed next.

The tree comparison routine is also used in the case of the instruction → [αβN] [IU] π1 = π2 . Here the expression on each side of the equality is looked up in the LSE and the trees are compared as before. They do not, of course, involve parameters.

New expressions may also be introduced by means of the instruction Let π = [some π expression]. In this case only previously introduced sub-expressions appear as the parameters of the right-hand side and the relevant substitutions are made when the instruction is unpacked (as in the case of a substatement). The name of the new expression is π and this is added to the LSE together with the address of the analysis record of the right-hand side.

[αβ] = category of π
[αβ] = number of π

we first look up the address of the expression π in the LSE. It will be recalled that the category number of an expression comes before the last principal item in the analysis record and is therefore located by tracing the & words to the end of the list. In the case of number of the expression will be a repeated one with a structure

& (1st appearance) 1 & (2nd appearance) 1 ... 1 2 (last appearance)

so that again a simple count of the & words will provide the required information.

Similarly, when a parameter is encountered which specifies a particular appearance within a repeated sequence, the address of the list structure representing the repeated class is first found in the LSE, and then the particular appearance required is obtained by skipping over the appropriate number of & words.

It remains to discuss the operation END. When this word is encountered at any level of the above recursion, control is returned to the level above, with all the counts reset. Eventually, when an END is encountered at the top level, the translation of a given source program instruction is complete.

12. Recovery of the Storage Space used by the Translation Routine

Another function of the instruction END is to initiate the process which recovers the space occupied by the redundant information left in the wake of a statement definition. The only conventional store used by a definition is its β list, and this is recovered by resetting the relevant count. At this point it is also appropriate to restore the original contents of the directory register which contains the address of the first β (i.e. the quantity nested when the new β list was set up). The redundant information in the chain store comprises

(1) all the unpacked analysis records and APL's,

(2) the LSE.

(3) a list containing the addresses of (1).

The analysis records are first restored to the chain form they had prior to the parameter substitution. For this purpose the broken links were noted in the APL (as the fifth word of each entry). The lists (2) and (3) and the APL are also in chain form, so that all the redundant space can now be recovered by linking each chain back on to the main chain. Obviously this operation will be simplified if we work throughout with circular chains (or lists).

13. The Input Process

In this section we describe how the relevant material is prepared for and read into the computer. The input medium is 7-hole paper tape and is prepared on a Flexo-writer. This is a machine similar to a typewriter but, in addition to giving a printed record, as each key is depressed a characteristic pattern of holes is punched on a new row of the paper tape. In each row there are seven positions in which a hole can be punched (i.e. seven tracks), but as there are less than 64 patterns involved only six of these are necessary. The seventh position is used as a parity check and is only punched in those rows which would otherwise have an even number of holes. (Input from 5-hole tape will also be provided, but the techniques are similar to those described below.)

The principal features of the Flexowriters to be used in conjunction with Atlas are as follows. There are 43 keys each of which is associated with a pair of visually distinct characters. Depression of any key results in one or other of the two characters being printed according as to whether the machine is the upper case (UC) mode or the lower case (LC) mode. The tape code (i.e. the pattern of holes punched on the tape) is the same in both cases, however. The two cases are selected, as on a normal typewriter, by means of shift keys, the operation of which is also recorded on the tape so that the following symbols can be correctly interpreted. The tape codes associated with the case shift keys are themselves independent of the mode of the machine so that, e.g., depressing the UC key produces the same pattern of holes regardless of whether the machine is already in the UC mode or not. The same applies to the keys for effecting the operations of space (SP), backspace (BS), newline (NL), and erase (EX); and certain other keys whose function is not relevant here. The erase code consists of a hole punched in all 7 positions. There is a mechanical tape reader attached to the machine by means of which a tape can be played back to produce a further printed record (and if necessary another tape record). During a playback an UC tape code has no effect if the machine is already in the UC mode, and similarly for LC.

When presented to the computer, the Flexowriter tape is scanned by a photo-electric tape reader under the control of the initial input program which discards the parity bit of each row (after checking the parity), and prepares an ordered list of 6-bit codes inside the store of the computer. Initially these may be packed 4 to a word (of 24 bits), but for the next stage they must be represented by individual words as integers in the range 0-63 (in address units).

The first step is to eliminate the UC and LC codes by introducing an extra bit in each code, in order to represent the 86 distinct printed characters. This is most simply done by adding 64 to the UC codes and the operational codes, and leaving the LC codes unaltered.

The next stage amounts to a line-by-line reconstruction process in which the information between successive newline codes is standardized. For this purpose each line is regarded as being made up of a fixed number of cells, one for each position across the line of a paper record. By scanning a line in the forward sense (i.e. in the order in which it was punched) and noting the space and the backspace operations, we can determine the characters which fall into each cell. Neither space nor backspace are regarded as characters in this sense. If the same character appears more than once in any cell, then appearances after the first are ignored.

The information in each cell is called a symbol. If it consists of a single character only it is called an elementary symbol, otherwise a composite symbol. Thus, a composite symbol could consist of the superimposed characters 0 (zero), - (minus), and _ (underline). The list of characters in each cell is now rearranged in ascending numerical order. Thus if 0 = 80, - = 94, and _ = 22, then the resulting string is _0-, irrespective of the order in which the symbols were punched. This ordered string of characters is then looked up in a dictionary of recognized composite symbols (DRCS), which gives the corresponding single word identifier (or serial number) to be used in place of the string. Henceforth it is treated in the same way as an elementary symbol, and the dictionary can be regarded as a means of extending the elementary symbol codes. More than one composite string may lead to the same identifier. Thus this symbol can also be formed with the UC letter O in place of figure 0. Since letter O = 111 the equivalent string becomes _ - O. The DRCS may also be extended so as to recognize the dominant character in certain cases of overpunching (e.g. to replace - (BS) + by +).

The empty cells in a reconstructed line are regarded as being filled by spaces, and the line is terminated with an end of line symbol (EOL).

Not all possible composite symbols are included in the dictionary, and if a given string is not found it is left in the standard form

S(BS)S(BS)S(BS) . . . (BS)S

in which backspaces are inserted between the constituent elementary symbols. Backspace itself therefore becomes an elementary symbol. The underlined symbols will probably be treated in this way, since otherwise it would mean almost doubling the number of elementary symbols and hence the number of digits in the key words of a class definition. As proposed at present there are 5 key words which provide up for to 120 elementary symbols. These must include the elementary printed symbols, namely

  1. the 26 upper case letters A-Z,
  2. the 26 lower case letters a-z,
  3. the 10 decimal digits 0-9, and
  4. the 24 miscellaneous separator symbols [ ] ( ) < > - - α β π . , * | _ ½ ' ? & = : ' /

which together with the three special symbols space backspace and end of line make a total of 89. This leaves room for 31 recognized composite symbols, such as

≤ ≥ ← → ± ≠ θ φ ≡

However, for a reason explained later, 5 key digits are reserved for certain special symbols, so that only 26 such composite symbols are recognized.

The reason for the somewhat elaborate reconstruction process just described is to enable the machine to interpret correctly any tape which reads correctly when played back on the Flexowriter (ignoring erases). Thus, for example, it is impossible to say from looking at the play-back just how many spaces there are on the tape, following the last significant (i.e. printed) symbol on the line. The eye merely sees the gap between this symbol and the right-hand margin, and this correspondence is preserved in the machine by making each line consist of a standard number of character positions and defining the empty position as spaces. This fact should be borne in mind when specifying formats. Thus, if each instruction is intended to start on a new line, for example, then the last significant symbol of the instruction would be followed by [SP*?] EOL. Similarly, if the spacing of the individual symbols of the instruction is irrelevant, then, strictly speaking, we should put [SP*?] between each member of the relevant phrase definitions. This would be rather tedious, however, and so we have introduced a primary statement of the form ignore [ ]'s where [ ] refers to some previously defined phrase (which may include the nil form). It applies to all subsequent phrase definitions and statement formats, until superseded by a further statement of the same kind. It means ignore the phrase or symbol in question where it occurs between the principal members in any subsequent appearance of the phrase or format being defined. With the aid of this device, only the EOL need be specified in the above example.

14. Recognition of the Primary Material

In the remaining sections we discuss how the compiler recognizes the material which is presented to it in the form just described. For this purpose we shall need to define the syntax of our primary language precisely. Previously a rigid syntax has not been used, and the reader may therefore notice discrepancies between the definitions which follow and some of the foregoing examples. It is intended that the syntax described below should be observed in practice. The primary material consists of statements describing the form and treatment of the secondary or source language material. We have introduced three main types of primary statement, namely phrase definitions, statement formats, and statement definitions. The relative ordering of these statements is only restricted by the following:

(1) A phrase must be defined before it appears in a statement definition, but not necessarily before it appears in other phrases, or in statement formats.

(2) A statement format must be defined before any substatement derived from it appears in a statement definition, and before the statement definition associated with it is given.

The individual primary statements and blocks of secondary material each begin on a new line with one of the master phrases: phrase defn, statement format, statement defn, ignore, and secondary statements. There may also be other master phrases of a supervisory nature, e.g. title, end of message, estimated running time, etc.

For various reasons we have avoided introducing a specific symbol to indicate the end of a primary statement or sequence of secondary statements. Instead the end is recognized by the appearance of the next master phrase. Thus as each line is reconstructed it is submitted to the ERR to see if it starts with one of the foregoing master phrases. It is necessary, of course, that the master phrases be distinct from all other possible starting phrases. The program is thus decoded and reconstructed section by section, where each section represents a primary statement or sequence of secondary statements. In either case the sections are terminated by an internal end of section symbol, which is distinct from the 115 elementary symbols. Each section is then processed in accordance with its category, starting at the first symbol after the master phrase.

15. The Primary Statement

Certain elementary symbols may not appear directly in descriptions of source language statements and expressions, because they are used for meta-syntactical purposes in the primary statement itself. These are SP, EOL, ,, [, which instead are written as [SP] [EOL] [,] [[]. The meta-syntactical use of these characters is as follows: SP and EOL are usually ignored; , is used as a separator (e.g. between source language expressions in phrase definitions), and [ is used to introduce phrase identifiers! and, of course, the special forms of these characters themselves. The internal identifiers corresponding to these four symbols are replaced by values 117-120 (the end of section symbol corresponds to 116), while the special sequences will eventually be replaced by the corresponding elementary identifiers normally associated with these symbols.

For the purpose of the present discussion we assume that all phrase identifiers are enclosed in square brackets, contrary to the description given earlier where single letter identifiers were also used.

Note: The backspace symbol is not available to the user in any form, so that a phrase definition such as

[A - Z] = [A - Z] [BS] _ 
[A - Z] = A, B, C. . . ., Z 
must instead be written as
[A - Z] = A, >B, C. . . . Z

The primary statements are scanned for the identifiers enclosed in square brackets, which take the general form

[[] [identifier] [asterisk?] [query?] [label?] [index?] 
[identifier] = any  sequence  of symbols  other  than /(]*?
[asterisk?]  = - *, nil 
[query?]     = ?, nil 
[label?]     = /N, nil 
[index?]     = ([αβN]), nil

(The special forms [SP] [EOL] [,] [[] are recognized as particular cases of this general form.)

The general phrase identifiers are now replaced by the internal phrase identifier, namely a group of three words corresponding to (1) the class identifier, (2) the label, and (3) the index (as explained in the description of the APL).

The class identifier is obtained by looking up the identifier sequence in the CID, which also includes the special character sequences, as well as the built-in identifiers α, β, N, etc. The serial numbers of the different categories lie in different ranges and enable the type of entry to be distinguished in the ERR. Those of the four special characters are, of course, the internal form of the corresponding elementary symbols, and lie in the range 1-115. Those corresponding to the built-in expressions will occupy a higher range of values, and the general class identifier will occupy a higher range still. When a special symbol sequence is identified it is replaced by one word only, namely the basic symbol it represents. If the identifier string is not present in the CID, then it is entered (i.e. merged into it) and allocated the first available serial number.

The treatment of qualified classes has already been explained in principle. The qualifying symbols * and ? are regarded as part of the identifying sequence which is looked up and, if necessary, entered in the CID in the usual way. If it is present then the class has already been defined and no special action is necessary; but if it is not present then it is necessary to set up the appropriate class definition, e.g.

[identifier*?] = [identifier*], nil

This is subsequently treated in the same way (see below) as any other class definition; if the [identifier*] involved is not present in the CID then it is entered as before and a further class definition is set up, thus:

[identifier*] = [identifier] [identifier*], [identifier]

If the reduced [identifier] is not present in the CID then it also is entered, but even if it is present the class may not have been defined (since the phrase definitions can be introduced in any order), and in this case further action (that is, attention to the key digits) must await a formal definition (i.e. by the user) of this reduced class.

In the course of obtaining the internal identifier we can also carry out certain checks: for example, that an index occurs only in conjunction with an [identifier*], except in the special case of [N[(αβ])]. We can also ensure that the label and index parts are absent in phrase definitions and statement formats.

As a result of the foregoing operations, the internal form of the primary statements now consists of a string of elementary symbol identifiers, phrase identifier triplets, and the four primary separators SP EOL COMMA and EOS (end of section). This string of identifier words is then processed according to the nature of the primary statement.

16. The Phrase Definition

These have the form:

phrase defn: [π] = [preference clause?] [phrase * ?] [last phrase] EOS (ignoring SP's and EOL'S), 
[preference clause] = (in order of preference) 
[phrase] = [π, ES*] COMMA
[last phrase] = nil, [π, ES*] 
[π,ES] = [π], [ES] 
[π] = phrase identifier 
[ES] = elementary symbol identifier

The description could be strengthened by insisting that the [π] employed on the left-hand side must not be qualified in any way.

17. The Statement Formats

These have the form (again ignoring SP's and EOL'S):

Statement format = [π, ES*] EOS 
Statement format (auxiliary): [π, ES, COMMA *] EOS 
[π,ES,COMMA] = [π], [ES], COMMA

The second form allows the user to introduce statements which are not intended for use in the source language itself, but only as intermediate steps in the construction of certain statement definitions. In this case the format may include primary COMMA'S which otherwise cannot be used. The two kinds of statements are kept in distinct dictionaries so that the auxiliary statement formats can be omitted during the translation of source language material.

An internal description in terms of such phrase definitions and statement formats will, in fact, be used to provide, with the aid of the ERR an analysis record of the structure of the primary statement string. It is the task of the corresponding statement definition to merge the alternative phrases of a phrase definition into a class dictionary, preserving the order of preference if necessary; or, in the case of a statement format, to add it to the end of the appropriate SFD (since the statement formats are given in order of preference).

In the case of a class dictionary the key words are also set up, and subsequently updated as described in the account of the CID.

These operations can be described in terms of the list-compiling instructions which we have already introduced.

18. The Ignore Statement

This takes the form: ignore [π]'s. It is treated as follows. A facility is built into the ERR whereby at each level it will ignore (i.e. pass over) all phrases of a specified class, when trying to identify a particular class of phrase in the string under comparison. (No mention of whether such phrases are present is made in the analysis record, however.) In the internal form of the class definition, each alternative phrase is prefixed by the identifier of the particular phrase (or symbol) which it is required to ignore in that particular case. If this is nil then this word will indicate the empty class. In a phrase definition, the ignore applies to all the alternative phrases, and so, as a result of the merging process, its identifier appears only once at the head of the dictionary tree. This is not the case, however, with the statement format dictionary, where the ignore may apply to the individual formats.

19. Statement Definitions

These take the form:

statement  defn:   [substatement] [line *]   [separator * ?] EOS
[substatement] = [auxiliary  substatement],   [secondary substatement]
[line] = [separator * ?] [primary label ?] [line proper] 
[separator] = COMMA, EOL 
[primary label] = [N] ] 
[line proper] = [built in operation], [substatement]

The combinations SP and EOL [SP * ?] / (i.e. EOL followed by solidus) are ignored. This directive is in addition to any ignore statements applying to the sub-statements involved.

The complexity of the foregoing phrase defns is necessary in order to allow the freedom of layout which is usually taken for granted in an informal program.

The formats of the built-in operations do not, as they stand, include any characteristic terminal symbol, and we therefore arrange for the corresponding internal format descriptions to terminate with the [separator] phrase. The same applies to auxiliary statement formats; it is automatically included at the end of the format. These operations must therefore be followed in a statement definition by a COMMA (i.e. a proper comma) or an EOL (i.e. a new line). A secondary statement format will normally include its own terminal phrase, e.g. [EOL] or [,] (corresponding to actual EOL or comma in a source language program), and it must terminate in this way when it appears in a statement defn, although it may be followed by further primary [separator]'s. With these precautions, a sequence of substatements and built-in operations can be recognized unambiguously provided they do not start with a primary COMMA or EOL. The latter is impossible and the former unlikely. If any material overflows the end of a line, then it can continue on the next line provided that it is prefixed by a /, since this is ignored after an EOL.

The formats of the built-in operations constitute a dictionary distinct from both the secondary SFD and the auxiliary SFD. They include the parameter operations and the basic compiling instructions. These may not appear directly in the source language material, and those of them which could be used there, namely the compiling instructions:

[αβ] = [word]
[αβ] = [word]θ[word]
([addr]) = [word]
([addr]) = [word]θ[word]

must be formally redefined, thus, e.g.:

statement format: [αβ] = [word] [EOL]
staement defn: [αβ] = [word] [EOL]
[αβ] = [word]

Such a statement occurring in the source language program, e.g. α1 = (α1), would have a purely declarative significance, corresponding to those statements in classical input routines which manipulate preset parameters. The expressions α and β may also occur in any permissible source language statement built up from these compiling instructions. In this case, however, it is necessary to restrict the number of βs (say to 50) for a reason which is explained in the next paragraph.

The other built-in operations involve either parameter operations, or transfers of primary control which have no significance in the source language program because, unlike a statement definition, such a program is read, analysed, and translated statement by statement. A further consequence is that the range of β's involved cannot be determined. Normally this is done with the aid of the routine (part of the ERR) for recognizing phrases of the form βn, which also notes the maximum value of n. This value is then recorded when all the lines of the statement definition have been read and analysed. In the case of a source language program this never happens because each statement is translated as soon as it is analysed.

In the case of the basic compiling instructions, which are redefined for use in the source language program we have the choice of either form for use in a statement definition, e.g.

α1 = (α3) or α1 = (α3) [EOL]

Naturally one would employ the original form.

It should be remembered that the expression which replaces [some π expression] in certain of the parameter operations is normally a source language expression, so that any commas appearing in it must be written in the form [,].

The format of the parameter operations (see Storage of Statement Definitions) can be strengthened by differentiating between the [π]'s used in the different operations, as was suggested in the case of the phrase definition. Thus we have the following rules.

1. In the operations

Let [π] ≡ [some π expression] 
→ [αβN] [IU] π ≡ [some π expression]

the phrase identifiers occurring in [some π expression] must not be indexed. This can be checked by examining the resulting APL. Also, [π] itself cannot take the form [αβ].

2. The [π] employed in the operation

Let [π] ≡ [some π expression] 

must not involve an index. The phrase identifiers appearing on the right-hand side, however, can take the most general form, as in a substatement.

3. The [π]'s appearing in the operations

→ [αβN] [IU] [π] = [π]
[αβ] = category of [π] 

must not take the [N([αβ])].

4. In the operation

[αβ] = number of [π]

the [π] must represent an * class and, of course, must not be indexed.

The above checks would be included in the subroutines involved by the ERR when attempting to identify the different types of [π].

20. The Statement Defn of a Statement Definition

The string of identifier words representing the statement definition is compared, by means of the ERR, with an internal description in the above terms. This results in an analysis record which provides almost directly the information needed to assemble the final form of the statement definition. (See Storage of Statement Definitions.)

21. The Secondary Material

It remains to recall what happens to the source language material. This, of course, is submitted for comparison with the secondary statement format dictionary by means of the ERR.

When the appropriate form is recognized, the corresponding statement definition is entered and executed (see the description of The Translation Routine). This results in the statement being translated unless it has an operational significance, in which case it may cause the material translated thus far to be obeyed as a program. Otherwise the compiler continues to read and translate secondary material until another section (i.e. a master phrase) is encountered.

22. Conclusion

As already mentioned, the system could be formulated entirely in its own terms, using phrase definitions, statement formats, and statement definitions. This would mean including such operations as dictionary search, packing and unpacking, etc., among those used in the statement definitions. These could either be built into or built up from the basic listing instructions.

23. References

BROOKER, R. A., and MORRIS, D. (1960), "An Assembly Program for a Phrase Structure Language," The Computer Journal,Vol. 3, p. 168.

24. Published Comments and Replies


I was very interested in the recent articles of Brooker and Morris (1960, 1961) on an Assembly Program for a Phase Structure Language. Their scheme is very general, but it suffers from the disadvantage that it is not possible to use statements as parameters in statement definitions - only one level and not a hierarchy of statements is allowed. This restriction could be serious if their program were used to translate a language such as ALGOL (Woodger, 1960).

In their articles, Brooker and Morris distinguish carefully between phrases and statements. The format or syntax of each is defined, but the meaning or semantics of a phrase is defined only when this occurs as part of a statement.

If the distinction between phrases and statements is removed (the term class being used to include both concepts), a simpler and more powerful scheme can be developed. We construct a dictionary of class identifiers giving the syntactic definition of the associated classes. Some of these classes will also be defined semantically and then the dictionary will contain a reference to this definition also. This semantic definition corresponds to the statement definition of Brooker and Morris. It will be obeyed interpretively by the translation routine to produce the compiled program. One can now easily allow any class to appear as parameter in the syntactic and semantic definitions. The definition of general types of statement (such as the ALGOL conditional statement) is now much more convenient.

The analysis record constructed by the expression recognition routine will now include, at the end of the record of each subclass that is defined semantically, a reference to this semantic definition. This will be used later by the translation routine.

As an example I give the definitions of [GE] which would result in instructions being compiled, which when obeyed would set the accumulator A equal to the current value of [GE].

  Syntactic definition: [GE] = [±?]T, [GE] ± T 
  Semantic definition : [GE] 
  → 1 if [GE] ≡ [GE/1] ± T 
  Let [GE] = [±?]T
  A = A[± T ]
  A = A ± T 

As syntactic definition of a conditional statement we might take:

Syntactic definition : [Unconditional statement] = [jump N], [Y = [GE]]
Syntactic definition : [Conditional statement] = if [GE/1] φ [GE/2] then [unconditional statement]

which includes both the forms:

if y > 0 then jump N 
if a2 + b2 > a/b then x = a2 + b2

The semantic definition is easy to construct once elementary conditional jumps have been defined. It would take the form

semantic definition : [conditional statement]
Let [conditional statement] ≡ if [GE/1] φ [GE/2] then [unconditional statement] 
tsl = [GE/1] 
ts2 = [GE/2] 
jump α3 unless ts1 φ ts2 
[unconditional statement]
(α1 + α3) = α2 
(here α3 contains the number of an unused label)

The scheme suggested here seems to be a little simpler logically, as well as being more general, than that of Brooker and Morris, but no account has been taken of the efficiency of translation. On a particular machine it might be found that one method can be programmed much more efficiently than the other, and that method would then be chosen.

J. M. Watt.
Computer Laboratory,
The University,
Liverpool 3.
3 March 1961


BROOKER, R. A., and MORRIS, D. (1960). "An Assembly Program for a Phrase Structure Language," The Computer Journal, Vol. 3, p. 168.

BROOKER, R. A., and MORRIS, D. (1961). "Some Proposals for the Realization of a Certain Assembly Program," The Computer Journal, Vol. 3, p. 220. WOODGER, M. (1960). "An Introduction to ALGOL 60," The Computer Journal, Vol. 3, p. 67.



The authors' reply:

Mr. Watt's letter raises some interesting points, to which we would like to reply.

Firstly, if it were not possible to use statements as parameters of more complex statements, this would indeed be restrictive. However, by suitably defining the class of auxiliary statements we can always avoid this difficulty. It is true that for languages like ALGOL and Nebula, the class of source statements proves less useful than in the case of more primitive languages such as Fortran and Mercury Autocode, where this class is comparatively large; in the former case emphasis is placed almost entirely on the class of auxiliary statements.

The first example given by Mr. Watt could be treated by means of the existing proposals were it not for a quite different kind of difficulty, which arises in connection with the definition of [GE], namely

[GE] = [GE][±][T], [± ?][T]

This type of recursive definition cannot be used in conjunction with a forward scanning recognition routine, because it would be continually searching for a [GE]! Instead, it has to be recast thus:

[GE] = [±?][GE']
[GE'] = [T] [±?] [GE'], [T]

With this definition of [GE] Mr. Watt's example becomes, in the notation of our January paper, as follows:

  statement definition: A = [GE']
  → 1 if [GE'] ≡ [T]
  let [GE'] ≡ [T][±][GE']
  A = [GE']
  A = [±]A + [T]
1]A = [T]

One reason why the class of secondary statements and the class of auxiliary statements are treated exceptionally is because they are large classes and are defined in a cumulative manner. At any stage they can be regarded as complete and are used for recognizing such statements in statement definitions. There is, nevertheless, something in what Mr. Watt says, in so far as it may be desirable to treat other classes in this same cumulative fashion, and associate specific compiling routines (i.e. statement definitions) with each member of these classes. At present the meanings of a phrase are embodied in the statement definitions of the formats which employ them (and indeed may be different in different contexts). If a phrase has several alternative forms this is reflected in the relevant statement definitions by the appearance of a multi-way switch (e.g. β1 = category of [Y], → β1) or other means of discrimination. In the case of those phrases which we would like to define in a cumulative manner and which have many members, the corresponding statement definitions would become unwieldy, and it is convenient to be able to call in a routine to deal with the appropriate category of the phrase on hand. The need for this was not very apparent, however, in the study of Mercury Autocode, Fortran, or even ALGOL, but first showed up in some preliminary studies of Nebula, where an example of such a class is the logical description statement (see Nebula Manual, Ferranti, November 1960). We have, therefore, generalized the conception of cumulative classes to take account of this.

Yours faithfully,

R. A. Brooker, D. Morris

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