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ACLApplicationsCompiler Compiler
ACLApplicationsCompiler Compiler
Further reading

Main papers
ManualIntroductionIR MacCallum (thesis)RosenTrees/Routines
Listing: OverviewSection 1Section 2Section 3Section 4IndexFlow diagramsSyntax analysis in compilers
CC and Autocodes
AutocodesMercury Autocode (MA) facilitiesMA in CCTwo-level storageAtlas Autocode (AA) featuresCC in AAIndex-directed
Other papers
Compiler SystemAssemblerRealisationTranslation programExperience with CCCC re-examinedThird-order compilerUseful subsetsLavingtonCoulourisReview of Rohl book
CC on Bendix G21
G21 manualG21 flow diagrams
Translator Writing Systems (TWS)
Early TWSMetcalfe paperComputer Assoc. Inc paper

The Main Features of Atlas Autocode

R A Brooker, J S Rohl, S R Clark

Computer Journal, 1966

This paper describes the main features of an ALGOL-type compiler that has been used very successfully with the Manchester Atlas for over two years. Since we are dealing with a working system special attention is given to the input/output and fault monitoring facilities, and also to the efficiency of the system. Not being bound by any particular dogma, the authors have felt free to play with the system, and some indication of recent developments is given.

Why not ALGOL? is a question we get asked from time to time. The reason is simply that when we started on AA (Atlas Autocode) it was far from clear, to us, whether ALGOL 60 (see Naur et alt 1963) could be implemented sufficiently well (with the effort at our disposal) to serve as a main programming language, and we had the responsibility of providing such for the Manchester University installation. We hoped we could retain some of the more important ideas of ALGOL, e.g., dynamic storage allocation, in a somewhat simpler structure, and because we had in mind the provision of numerous special facilities (e.g., list processing, special forms of arithmetic) we would not have been content with a subset. Such facilities would be intolerably inefficient (and inconvenient to use) if implemented as formal procedures - the only existing means of extending ALGOL 60. We have of course paid a price for going it alone, namely access to the ACM library of Algorithms, but fortunately most of them can be converted to AA very easily, as we have found with those of interest. We have also found that they could benefit by conversion to machine code, at least in the inner loops.

It is appropriate to describe the main features of the language in ALGOL terms.


The basic characters on the Atlas Flexowriters are:

α β π
= > < | * : , ' & 2 / . + _ ½ ( ) [ ] ?

From these it is possible with the backspace facility to form compound characters, e.g.,

 c ≠ ≥ ≤ ; ↑

[α and ↑ do duty for the ALGOL symbols 10 and ↑ , but to avoid confusion we shall use the latter notation in this paper.]


These consist of a letter optionally followed by further letters, digits, primes in that order, e.g.,

A temp a1' A2 x"

The length is virtually unrestricted.

Delimiter words

These are underlined as in ALGOL, e.g., real, cycle


These are limited to real and integer (there is no Boolean) but otherwise declarations are as in ALGOL. Further types of variables have recently been introduced to facilitate complex and multiprecision arithmetic. These are briefly described in a later section.


An ALGOL block structure is used. Blocks may be nested to any depth. They may be entered and left only via begin and end. The scope of names (except for labels) is the same as in ALGOL. A program is a block with end followed by of program.

Labels and jumps

Labels are of two kinds N: and A(N):

The former are simple numerical labels; the latter are switch labels. Jump instructions take the form → N and → A(I) where I denotes an integer expression (see later). A label in a block may only be referred to by an instruction in the block and not in a sub-block. Checks are made for labels not set, and labels not referred to are commented on. In the case of → A(I), the value of I is checked at run time to ensure that it corresponds to an actual label A(N). [This requires 4 instructions over and above the evaluation of I and the jump itself.]


Expressions employ the operators + - * / ↑ ( ) in the usual way. The * sign may be omitted if no ambiguity results (ie., implicit multiplication). A superscript 2 can be used for 2. Brackets ( ) are also used to embrace the arguments of functions and arrays. For example

given real  y, y' ; array a (1 : 10) ; integer i
2y * y' + log(y2) + i(i - 1) + a(i - l)/3.14 10-2


Assignments take the form

v = E

where v denotes any variable (location) and E an expression. If v is an integer variable, then E is rounded off to the nearest integer before the assignment takes place. An expression treated in this way is denoted by I. In denoting substitution of an expression in a statement we use E or I to indicate the implied assignment.

Standard functions

Standard functions are similar to those of ALGOL except that ln, abs and entier in ALGOL are written log, mod and intpt respectively in AA. In addition there are the following:

parity(I)        (-1)I
fracpt(E)        fractional part of E
int(I)           intpt(I+.5) i.e. nearest integer
radius(E1,E2)    sqrt (E12+E22) 
tan(E1)          tangent
arctan(E1,E2)    arctan (E2/E1), result in (-π/2,π/2) if E1 > 0
                                 result in (π/2,-π/2) if E1 < 0

Conditional instructions

Conditional instructions take the form

unless {condition} then {UNCONDITIONAL INSTRUCTION}

The CONDITION can be a compound condition, e.g.,

(x > 1 and y = 1) or n > 20 

an elementary condition being of the form

     E1   =  E2
     E1   ≠  E2
     E1   >  E2
     E1   ≥  E2
     E1   >  E2
     E1   ≤  E2


  Routine call & exit 
  Jump (including stop) 


Only one form of cycle is permitted, namely

  cycle i = I1,I2,I3

Here i denotes any integer variable and I1. I2, I3 are all expressions of the form I, such that (I3 - I1)/I2 is an integer ≥ 0. The Is are evaluated and this condition checked as a prelude to the cycle. The Is remain unaltered throughout the cycle. Cycles may be nested to any depth.

Routines and functions

As in ALGOL a routine is essentially a named block with parameters. In AA, however, a routine heading of the form


replaces the first begin.

There are three types of routines (RT):

real fn 
integer fn

the corresponding exit instructions are

result = E 
result = I

As with data a routine name should be declared before it is referred to. This means either placing the routine near the head of the block in question, or alternatively giving an advance specification in the form


and putting the routine itself near the end of the block. It is useful when laying out a large program to give, near the beginning of it, a summary of the relevant subroutines in this way.

The call statement for a routine is


The relations between the FORMAL and ACTUAL PARAMETERS are as follows

integer name i                  |
real name x                     | name of a variable of given type
array name a                    |
integer array name  k            |
integer i                         I
real x                            E
routine R                        |
real fn R                       | name of a routine of given type
integer fn R                    |

The names associated with the FPs (which can of course be arbitrary) have the force of declarations inside the routine, but when the FP is a routine (or function) a spec must be inserted (from which the RT can be omitted). An integer or real FP will be assigned the value of the AP at the time of the call ("call by value"). A ... name FP will be assigned the actual store location of the AP; if the latter is an array element its subscripts are evaluated at the time of call ("call by simple name"). In a list of FPs of the same type, the type delimiters after the first may be omitted, e.g.,

            routine spec print (real x, integer m, integer n)
            routine spec print (real x, integer m, n)

In what follows we shall abbreviate such a specification in the form:

print (E, I1, I2)


A small library of routines is preloaded at the head of the block which surrounds the user's "block, which is therefore entirely within .their scope. These routines are used for fault monitoring, input/output (see next section), matrix algebra, integrating differential equations, simple list processing, and other operations. For obvious reasons the bulk of these routines are written in machine code. Although these PERManent routines are not, strictly speaking, part of the language, to the user they appear so.

Input and output

Input and output functions are mostly performed by PERM routines, special statements being avoided as far as possible: so far there are only two, namely "read" and caption. The permanent routines which we have found most useful are:

select input (I)
I refers to an input "tape" in the Job Description
select output (I)
I refers to an output "tape" in the Job Description
read symbol (i)
reads symbols converting to numerical equivalents (see later)
print symbol (i)
prints symbols converting to numerical equivalents (see later)
print (E, I1, I2)
prints the value of E with I1, I2 digits before and after the decimal point
print fl (E, I)
prints the value of E in floating decimal style to / significant figures
read (v-list)
(a special instruction) reads nos. from data tape, assigns them to listed locations
read binary (i)
reads 5,7, or 12 bits from 5, 7 hole tape, or cards. The bits are handled as an integer.
punch binary (I)
punches 5,7, or 12 bits to 5, 7 hole tape, or cards. The bits are handled as an integer.

Other routines serve to control the layout of the page:

advances the printing position according to a preassigned table.
newline, newlines (I)
space, spaces (I)
runout (I)
punches /I blanks on a Teletype punch (has no effect on the line printer)
gives "top of form" on a line printer, 30 newlines on a Teletype punch
next symbol
a parameterless integer fn which gives the numerical equivalent of the next symbol on the data tape, but does not advance it
caption STRING
a special instruction which outputs the characters in the string, terminated by ;

A symbol in quotes e.g., '=' is a permissible form for a constant, the value being the numerical equivalent of the symbol, which is always an integer. Precise knowledge of the constant is seldom needed, but can, if necessary, be calculated from a table giving the numerical equivalents of the basic characters. These are integers in the range 0-127. A symbol, or compound character, can consist of up to three superimposed basic characters. The numerical equivalent is 128y + z or 1282x + 128y + z where x, y, z are the equivalents of its constituents and x > y > z.

In captions and between quotes we use the special symbols

$ to denote space,   ignored on reading in the program text
s to denote underlined space, ignored on reading in the program text
; to denote semicolon 
n BS / to denote newline is used to terminate a caption STRING

We must of course know the actual numerical equivalents of these symbols if we wish to use them (a rather unlikely event) and for this reason they are listed in the manual. For example, to print a $ symbol we write: print symbol (14807).

Punching conventions

To facilitate punching we have arranged that statements can be terminated by a newline or a semicolon. As a consequence if a statement occupies more than one line, all except the last one are terminated by c. All spaces, underlined spaces, and superfluous terminal symbols are ignored. The special symbols ½ and 2 are converted into .5 and ↑2 on input. (Regardless of how it is punched a special case is made of ↑2 in order to compile efficient code.)

Comments may be inserted by means of

            comment STRING   or  | STRING

The second alternative was introduced to economize on punching. In particular, underlining on Atlas Flexowriters entails backspacing, so that a delimiter word of n letters involves 3n tape characters. For this reason we have introduced a compiling mode which allows the user to write his delimiter words in upper case letters, provided all other names use only lower case letters, e.g.,

REAL a, b, c ; INTEGER ARRAY u, v (1 : 10) 

Both forms of delimiters are in fact permitted in this mode which is operative between the statements upper case delimiters and normal delimiters.

Fault diagnosis

There are several facilities for helping to locate faults in the object program. The first to be implemented were label and routine tracing, and query printing. The former is a facility for recording the main breaks in the passage of control, and indicates either the sequence of routines entered, and/or the jump instructions executed. Query printing allows the user to terminate an assignment statement with a ?, thus

x = 1 + 2y ?

The program (or selected sections of it) can then be compiled in one of two modes

(i) ignore queries in which the ?'s are ignored, or

(ii) compile queries in which extra instructions are compiled for printing out the assigned value.

These two phrases are the statements actually used to delimit the area of the program in which the facility is operative. A similar device is used in connection with label and routine tracing. These aids to fault diagnosis require some action on the part of the user and of necessity involve a separate run of the program. Perhaps the most useful debugging aid is the stack post mortem which is involved whenever an unforeseen fault arises.

Faults arising in the object program are classed as trappable or untrappable, and they are detected in the first instance either by the supervisor or the object program. Untrappable faults are those regarded as being necessarily catastrophic, e.g., an input stream, or "tape", not defined in the Job Description (see Howarth et al, 1961), while trappable faults are those not so regarded, there being some possibility of retrieving matters by jumping to a preassigned part of the program. An example of the latter situation is an arithmetical fault (e.g., division overflow) occurring in a series of independent calculations. In this type of program if a particular "case" breaks down one can simply pass on to the next.

Faults detected by the supervisor are as follows:

The following faults are detected by tests compiled in the object program.

Note: array subscript out of range is only detected as a fault on request. This is done by delimiting the areas of interest in the program by the statements compile array bound check and stop array bound check. Outside these areas faults of this kind will not be detected and may in fact cause extravagant effects. The reason for making this facility optional is that the extra instructions required in the program may substantially increase both the size and running time of the program, the latter by up to 100 %. It would be essential that checks of this kind should be built into the hardware of any future machines.

When a trappable fault occurs the supervisor, or the object program, refers to a "trapping vector" to find the address to which to transfer control. This trapping vector contains one entry for each type of fault (the faults being numbered 1, 2, 3, . . .) and is set up by the user, or rather by the compiler from information supplied by the user. This takes the form of instructions, for example

            fault 1,5→3, 2, 4→1

This would cause a jump to label 3 should a (trappable) fault of the type 1 or 5 subsequently turn up, or a jump to 1 in the case of a fault of type 2 or 4. The labels must be local to the block in which the above fault statement occurs, usually the outer block. In the event of a fault the stack is cut back to its extent at the time the fault statement was obeyed, but some variables may have been altered in the meantime and allowance must be made for this in planning the rescue operation.

If a trappable fault is not trapped the program terminates with the standard monitoring, as in the case of an untrappable fault. This monitoring consists, firstly, of printing out the line number of the faulty statement and the name of the routine (or serial no. of the block: see program "map") in which it occurred. Following this it prints out a summary of the working space (scalars and cycle counts) in the last block entered at each level as far as the current (faulty) block. To identify the monitored variables the table of names is retained at run-time. An example of the monitoring for a specimen program is given in the appendix. Fig. 1 illustrates the fault handling system using the trapping vector set up for fault 1,5→3, 2, 4→1.

faults detected by the compiled program faults detected by the supervisor trappable faults untrappable faults 1 2 4 5 1: 3: print line and routine/block identifier print summary of stack stop untrapped faults
Fig. 1.

Efficiency of the object program

As in most ALGOL translators the object program uses a stack to store data and for working space (see e.g., Watts, 1963). An index register is associated with each textual level and points to the section of the stack opened up by the activation of the current block at that level. The previous contents of the index register (and the link if the block is a routine) are preserved in the stack immediately on entry to the block, and are subsequently restored on leaving it. When a routine is handed on as a parameter of another routine it is also necessary to hand on a picture of the relevant index registers as they were at that point. When the parametric routine is eventually called in, it is necessary to reset temporarily the index registers to their original state. This latter operation is performed by three central banks of instructions which preserve, reset and restore up to 9 index registers according to the point of entry, this being chosen so that only the relevant index registers are interchanged.

For each block the stack is divided into a static and dynamic part. Scalars, array boxes, cycle parameters, whose size is known at compile time are allocated to the static part where they can be accessed by a single (modified) instruction, reals are stored as floating point numbers, integers as destandardized numbers which allows them to be used either as address additives, or as operands in an arithmetical expression. AH these quantities are initialized to zero on entry to the block, and the stack pointer advanced to the end of this part of the stack, the extent of which is known at compile time. Dynamic items, i.e., arrays, are then allocated storage from this point onwards. An array box consists of two address words, one of which points to the dope vector (which may be shared by several arrays) and the other points either to the array itself (if it is a vector) or to a hierarchy of address words which point to the rows, planes, etc., of the array (a scheme suggested by Iliffe, 1961). In this way any particular array element can be reached by a simple succession of store references (one for each dimension), without any multiplications. This, together with the fact that integers are stored in address units, means that array elements such as a(i+1,j+2) can be "fetched" in 5 instructions. On the other hand, it is difficult to improve the system without resort to optimization procedures which would equally well benefit a simple scheme not involving the "Iliffe" vectors. To give the reader some idea of the efficiency (or lack of it) of our object program, we give below the translation of the following cycle.

sum = 0
cycle i = p, q, r
sum = sum + a(i) b(i)

prelude to evaluate p, r+q, r and check that (r - p)/q is an integer ≥ 0

   334   0   (p)          enter cycle with initial value of i
   121   127 -            jump to 356 instruction
   330   0   (r+q)        form i+q = (i-r) +(r+q)
   356   0   (i)          restore i
   101   97  (i)          form address of a(i)
   104   97  (a)          in index register 97
   324   0   97   0       fetch a(i)
   101   97  (i)          form address of b(i)
   104   97  (b)          in register 97
   362   0   97   0       multiply a(i) by b(i)
   320   0   (sum)        add sum
   356   0   (sum)        restore sum
   334   0   (i)          form difference
   331   0   (r)          i-r in acc
   235   127  -           jump if acc ≠ 0 back to 330 instruction

The use of machine code

Facilities exist for using machine instructions in AA programs, although needless to say, this is not encouraged. In some cases, however, it is useful (a) to speed up a critical inner loop or (b) to perform some function not available through formal Autocode statements.

Examples of the latter are the use of local timers, and the use of peripheral equipment in certain special modes. To illustrate machine code we give in Fig. 2 the optimum form of the scalar product loop used in the previous section.

It will be seen that this loop takes 6 instructions compared with the 13 of the formal translation. [Note: the above loop can be improved still further by moving the "124" instruction to follow the "362" so that it will be completely overlapped. This will necessitate other minor changes, however, and we shall not give details.]

Speed of translation

Having revealed something of the quality of the object code it is appropriate to say something about the speed of compiling it. Several improvements have been made to the original AA compiler. The figures in Table 1 refer to one of the latest versions.

The following table gives a breakdown of the compiling time for 4 programs. The figures are based on instruction counts provided by the Atlas Supervisor. As may be expected there is a good deal of variation from one source program to another.

Notes on Table 1

1. This is simply the time spent in reading in the program. More precisely it is the time charged to the compiler by the Supervisor which supplies the characters in 6-bit internal code, with its own "shift" system. It is approximately proportional to the length of the program tape.

2. This is the time spent in converting to 7-bit code, and then to reconstructing the image of the symbols on the line. Each symbol may be formed by superimposing up to 3 distinct basic characters (a compound character). It also includes the removal of spaces, underlined spaces, and erases.

3. In this stage all the names, constants, and delimiter words are converted into 48-bit words, and categorized to simplify the decision processes of the next stage. Stages 2 and 3 account for well over half the total compiling time.

4. This is the translation stage proper. The instruction is analyzed and either converted to object code, or used in some way to control the compiling process.

prelude to compute addresses of a(r) and b(r) and place them in the index registers 97 and 98, and evaluate p and q

   121,   99,   -,   p         ;   form p-r
   122,   99,   -,   r         ;   in IR99   
   121,   127,  0,   1:        ;   jump to label 1        
3: 124,   99,   -,   q         ;   increment by q
1: 324 ,  97,  99,   0         ;   fetch a(i)      
   362,   98   99,   0         ;   form a(i)b(i)
   320,   0,   - ,   sum       ;   and add      
   356,   0,   - ,   sum       ;   to   sum   
   215    127, 99,   3:        ;   test for last cycle, jump to label 3      
   Set i = r        
Fig 2.
Table 1
Program 1 Program 2 Program 3 Program 4
input of program (see Note 1) 22.3 17.4 12.4 19.8
line image construction (see Note 2) 45.0 55.7 42.0 44.8
elementary syntactical analysis (see Note 3) 19.9 14.4 29.8 17.2
further analysis and compilation (see Note 4) 12.8 12.5 15.8 18.2
instrs. obeyed in compiler/ 1024 1106 1934 3452 1628
size of object program (instrs.) 3528 3704 1673 3980
total number of statements 406 664 936 approx 513
length of program tape (including blank tape) in feet 116 214 ? 176

Stages 1, 2, and 3 are applied a (complete) line at a time; stage 4 a statement at a time.

Program no. 1 was a test program using short identifiers.

Program no. 2 used largely English words as identifiers.

Program no. 3 consisted mainly of machine instructions, each of which occupy 10-20 characters.

Program no. 4 was a typical applied mathematical program.

Except in the case of programs like no. 3, between 300-400 instructions are executed in the compiler for every instruction compiled.

Recent developments

We can deal with these only briefly here, a full account will be published elsewhere.

Further arithmetic types. Work in this area has taken two directions.

1. Introduction of a type complex which like real or integer 'can be used in expressions of the form already described, e.g., complex z, real u, integer k ; z = u + 2πki.

2. Introduction of an entirely new form of expression which is at the same time a statement, eg.,


Here the A's denote operands, and the α's and β's are (right) unary and binary operators, respectively. All operators have the same precedence and, except for [], the expression is processed from left to right. Included in the β'x are assignment =>, and jump →. The operands used in such expressions represent a new family of composite types, these being numeric (single, double, and multi-precision, real and complex) and non-numeric (logical and label). (See Brooker, 1964.)

Structures. Some facilities for defining, constructing, and analyzing tree structures (not list processing) have been included in order to give AA some capability in the area covered by the compiler-compiler.


Example of a faulty program and associated monitoring.

real a, b, c,alpha,a1,a"
integer i, J, k, theta
array x(1:10)
cycle k = 1, 1, 10
x(k) = k
k = 0
routine spec test 1(real d, integer m)
routing spec test 2 (real name e, integer name n, real fn test3)
real fn spec test 3(array name y)
a = 1 ; alpha = 7.663 ; a1 = 10.4 ; a" = 21.6
j = 2 ; theta = 123
test 1 (2, 3)
routine test 1 (real d, integer m)
real f
integer o
f = 1.5; o = 3
test 2(f, o, test3)
routine test 2 (real name o, integer name n ,real fn test3>
spec test 3(array name y)
real g
integer p
g = 6.7; p = 4
g=test 3(x)
real fn test 3 (array name y)
real h
integer g
h = 6.43
cycle g=1, 1, 10
cycle g=i,1,3
result =h
end of program
1    BEGIN BLOCK NO = 91    ADDRESS = C0115050 
15         BEGIN ROUTINE<TEST1> NO = 92    ADDRESS = 00116272
21         BEGIN  ROUTINE<TEST2> NO = 93    ADDRESS  = 00116750
28         BEGIN REAL FN<TEST3>  NO = 94    ADDRESS  = 00117500
A=  1.000010    0        ALPHA- 7.663010    0         Al=  1.040010  1
A"= 2.l60010    1         J= 2        THETA=  123
F=  1.50000    0        O= 3
G= 6.700010 0  P= 4
H= 6.430010    0        G=  1


Some material from the Atlas Autocode "Mini-Manual" (Lunnon and Riding, 1965) has been adapted for the first part of this paper, and we would like to thank the authors of that document for simplifying our task in this way.


BROOKER, R. A., and ROHL, J. S. (1965). The Atlas Autocode Reference Manual, Manchester University.

LUNNON, W. F., and Riding, G. (1965). The Atlas Autocode Mini-Manual, Manchester University.

HOWARTH, D. J., PAYNE, R. B., and SUMNER, F. H. (1961). "The Manchester University Atlas Operating System Part II: User's Description," The Computer Journal, Vol. 4, p. 226.

ILIFFE, J. K., and JODEIT, J. G. (1962). "A dynamic Storage Allocation Scheme," The Computer Journal, Vol. 5, p. 200.

WATT, J. M. (1963). "The realization of ALGOL procedures and designational expressions," The Computer Journal, Vol. 5, p. 332.

NAUR, et al. (1963). "Revised report on the algorithmic language ALGOL 60," The Computer Journal, Vol. 5, p. 349.

BROOKER, R. A. (1964). "A programming package for generalised arithmetic," Comm. A.C.M., Vol. 7, p. 119.

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