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Further reading □ Contents1. Introduction2. Basic symbols and comments3. Identifiers, accumulators and cells4. Types and values5. Addresses and storage allocation6. Simple cell designation7. Assignment statements8. Integer accumulator assignments9. Real accumulator assignments10. Long accumulator assignments11. Cell assignments12. Block structure13. Procedures and labels14. Conditional and control statements15. Functions16. Cell declarations17. Synonym declarations18. Storage allocation19. Subcompilation and global storage20. Define statements, conditional compilation and include statements21. Compiler directives22. FORTRAN/PLASYD mixed programming23. ALGOL/PLASYD mixed programming24. Useful library routines25. Use of TASK macro to compile PLASYD programs26. SMO cell designation27. Compiler output28. PLAN instructions not provided for in PLASYD □ Appendices □ 1: Errors and comments2: 1900 character set3: Syntax definitions in alphabetical order4: Use of program XMED5: 1900 order code6: Code genereated for typical PLASYD statements7: A sample PLASYD program8: Less commonly used directivesReferences
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ACLLiteratureICL 1906A manualsPLASYD
ACLLiteratureICL 1906A manualsPLASYD
Further reading

Contents1. Introduction2. Basic symbols and comments3. Identifiers, accumulators and cells4. Types and values5. Addresses and storage allocation6. Simple cell designation7. Assignment statements8. Integer accumulator assignments9. Real accumulator assignments10. Long accumulator assignments11. Cell assignments12. Block structure13. Procedures and labels14. Conditional and control statements15. Functions16. Cell declarations17. Synonym declarations18. Storage allocation19. Subcompilation and global storage20. Define statements, conditional compilation and include statements21. Compiler directives22. FORTRAN/PLASYD mixed programming23. ALGOL/PLASYD mixed programming24. Useful library routines25. Use of TASK macro to compile PLASYD programs26. SMO cell designation27. Compiler output28. PLAN instructions not provided for in PLASYD
1: Errors and comments2: 1900 character set3: Syntax definitions in alphabetical order4: Use of program XMED5: 1900 order code6: Code genereated for typical PLASYD statements7: A sample PLASYD program8: Less commonly used directivesReferences


18.1 Syntax

simpledeclist ::=celldec|basedec|simpledeclist celldec|simpledeclist basedec
basedec       ::=BASE;
lowerdec      ::=LOWER lwdeclist LOWEND;
lwdeclist     ::=celldec|lowerglobaldec|lwdeclist celldec|lwdeclist lowerglobaldec
celldeclist   ::=celldec|celldeclist celldec

18.2 Upper Storage

Most PLASYD cells will be allocated upper storage. That is some address other than the first 4096 words of storage. Variables placed in upper storage cannot be directly addressed and must be accessed by indirect means. In earlier sections the method of accessing upper storage using a modifier has been described. Any set of declarations in a block head defined as a simpledeclist will be allocated upper storage. To enable such cells to be used, the upper storage is divided into arbitrary sections called domains which must not exceed 4096 words. An upper cell is then accessed by specifying the address of the first word in its domain called the base for that cell and the number of words (which must be less than 4096) between this base and the cell required. This number is called the displacement of the cell from its base. Given a cell identifier A, PLASYD defines the three addresses:

£A = base address of A, that is the address of the first word of the domain in which A appears.

$A = the displacement of A from its base.

@A = the actual address of A, @A=£A+$A.

The first upper declaration will cause a new domain to be set up and successively declared items will be assigned store locations in that domain in order until the next declaration would cause the size of the domain to exceed 4096 words. A new domain will then be started in the next available word. Each new block starts a new domain except that the block at the head of a procedure body is assumed to be part of the enclosing block's declaration.

If a single array item is more than 4096 words a new base will be started coinciding with its first word, and another new base will be started immediately after it. Any cells above the 4096'th will have to be addressed by a specially set up modifier.

If more than 4096 words are declared then a new base is defined and a comment to this effect is made on the program listing. Each base uses a word in lower storage to hold the address of the base of that domain. Each time a new domain is started, a word of lower storage is allocated at that point.

For example:

  INTEGER I(4095),J,K,L; 
  INTEGER M(5000); 
    INTEGER P(4095),Q,R,S;
      INTEGER T,U,V(5000); 
        INTEGER PI,PJ(4000),PK(1000),PL(5000),PM;
      INTEGER W,X(4000),Y(1000);
    INTEGER Z,A,B(4000),C(1000),D;
      INTEGER E,F(5000); 

would allocate the following bases and domains

Cell   Lower Storage Base Address Displacement
I          0             β            0
J          0             β            4095
K          1             β+4096       0
L          1             β+4096       1
M          2             β+4098       0
N          3             β+9098       0
P          4             β+9099       0
Q          4             β+9099       4095
R          5             β+13195      0
S          5             β+13195      1
T          6             β+13197      0
U          6             β+13197      1
V          7             β+13199      0
PI         8             β+18199      0
PJ         8             β+18199      1
PK         9             β+22200      0
PM         9             β+22200      1000
W          6             β+13197      0
X          6             β+13197      1
Y         10             β+17198      0
Z          4             β+9099       0
A          4             β+9099       1
B          4             β+9099       2
C         11             β+13101      0
D         11             β+13101      1000
E         11             β+13101      1001
F         12             β+14103      0

Notice that 12 lower storage cells have been used to hold base addresses. The storage for variables P, Q, R and S is reused for the variables Z, A, B, C. Similarly, T, U, V, and W, X, Y share storage.

18.3 BASE Declaration

The user may not like the arbitrary way in which new domains have been allocated. The base declaration forces a new domain to be started at this point. By using the BASE statement, certain cells can be forced in the same domain if that is required. For example:

  INTEGER I(4095),   J,K,L;

would normally allocate I and J in one domain with K and L in a separate domain. J can be forced into the same domain as K and L as follows

  INTEGER I (4095); 

18.4 LOWER Storage

Although most cells are likely to be allocated upper storage, it may be advantageous to allocate lower storage to some cells. Such cells can be addressed directly and therefore do not have the overhead associated with upper cells where the base of the domain must be loaded into a modifier. A set of declarations are defined as having storage allocated in the lower area by placing the declarations between the symbols LOWER and LOWEND; to form a lower declaration. In the syntax given in Section 18.1 it can be seen that global declarations can also be defined as requiring lower storage. Details of global declarations are given later. Consider:

  REAL Q; 

Here I, J, N and Q are allocated upper storage while K, L, M and P are allocated lower storage.

Lower storage is used for purposes other than the holding of cells declared as lower. Consequently, less than 4096 words will be available. Lower storage is allocated as follows:

  1. locations 0 to 7 are the integer accumulators
  2. locations 8 to 95 are reserved locations
  3. constants are allocated space in lower storage
  4. a location is allocated for each domain of upper storage defined and contains the base address of the domain.
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