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ACLLiteratureProgress ReportsTechnical Papers :: Literature: FR80 Technical Papers
ACLLiteratureProgress ReportsTechnical Papers :: Literature: FR80 Technical Papers
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Paper No 5: Listing FR80 Source Program Tapes

R E Thomas

30 May 1975


The following program allows a 7 or 9-track FR80 Dump Tape to be listed on the 1906A. The macro is:


which may be run either as a RUNJOB, or indirectly by the 1906A Operators:

RUNJOB jobname,username,:GSIN10.FR80LIST, PARAM(parameterlist)


FR80 LIST, parameterlist

The following parameters are permissible.

(1) *LP filename
If absent, all listing is sent to a workfile.
If present, all listing is sent to filename. This file must exist if the job has been initiated by the 1906A Operators.
(2) *NM name

A banner heading:


will appear on the first page of output. This will be followed by any name specified by this parameter. Usually, name will be the username of the person wishing to receive the output. It should always be present when the listing is initiated by the 1906A Operators.

If no further parameters are present, every source file on the tape will be listed. Selective listing can be obtained by using:

(3)*CR filename
The parameter filename will contain a list of named files, or directories, to be listed, terminated by ***. Only one name should appear on a line.
Alternatively, selective listing can be obtained by using:
(4)*FL name

This parameter may occur many times, and specifies the file names, or directories, to be listed from the tape.

In each case, named files must be given in the exact form in which they are stored in the FR80 - two sets of 6 characters, with no extra spaces, and no directory names:


The files must be in the correct order on the tape.

If a name is followed by a semicolon, it is taken as a directory name (3 characters only). In this case, every source file in that directory is listed, and the tape is rewound ready for the next name. However, reading to the end of tape in this way sometimes causes a tape failure, which will abort the job. Consequently, it is advisable to put the directory name at the end or any list of individual files.

Binary files will be skipped.


  III109              and *CRMYFILE

is equivalent to



The tape will be requested as


It should be given to the operators beforehand, who should also be told whether the tape is 7 or 9-track.

Unrecognised characters will be noted in the monitor file, and replaced by / in the listing.

There will be a page throw between files, but any form feed characters encountered in a file, will give rise to (FORM FEED) on the listing.

Tape errors are recorded on the listing as a string of **.

Tabs will be interpreted at every 8th position, and will be at least 2 spaces.


  1. Operator request, listing of directory ROB.

  2. User job, listing 2 files to named output file

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