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ACLLiteratureProgress ReportsTechnical Papers :: Literature: FR80 Technical Papers
ACLLiteratureProgress ReportsTechnical Papers :: Literature: FR80 Technical Papers
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Paper No 12: FR80 Displayers V 3.4

R E Thomas

4 November 1975

Version 3.4 of the FR80 Displayer was released on 29 October. The following changes have been made:

(1) The size of subframe generated when using Hardcopy many-up has been made as large as possible. This means that images are larger, but no more than 4 rows should be requested in the Y direction.

(2) The DRAW order (202400) has been enhanced. If a continuation word follows it (040000), this will be taken to indicate the number of orders to be obeyed from the specified file. For example:

will draw picture 1 completely, 
will draw the first 8 orders in picture 1. 
An order in this context includes any associated continuation words, text strings, etc. 

(3) Monitor command alterations such as pitch, margin, size of title, etc, have now been included in the patch system. Generating a new version now requires only changes for Hardcopy, and the inclusion of the permanent pictures, following the assembly.

(4) All Displayers expect 7-track 556 bpi as default. The tape type information (stored in DATCOM) is preserved in word 37, which is not overwritten when a new program is loaded. MON;SYS and MON;SYSLOG have also been patched in the same way. It is therefore no longer necessary to keep separate 9-track versions of the Displayers. The operators merely use TAPE TYPE/8 in either SYS or SYSLOG and the information is preserved by the Displayers.

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