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ACLLiteratureProgress ReportsTechnical Papers :: Literature: FR80 Technical Papers
ACLLiteratureProgress ReportsTechnical Papers :: Literature: FR80 Technical Papers
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Paper No 15: Listing FR80 Source Files on Film

R E Thomas

7 November 1975

A program has been received from III which lists source files from a FR80 Dump Tape on to microfiche. A version of the program to use the other cameras is still awaited. The following pages describe the options available, which differ somewhat from those offered by the standard print programs. In particular, the border and heading features are good.

Although this program is intended primarily for software development on the FR80, it is possible for a 1906A user to copy files to tape using the FR80 Dump Tape writer described in an earlier Technical Paper, instead of using PRFICHE or COPYOUT. The Dump Tape may then be listed on the FR80. Fiche titles are taken from the "DATE" information in the header of the first file on tape.

III Filmer Program 184


FILMER has been developed to provide a means of producing III symbolic program listings on microfilm .

The program will process III disk dump tapes (7 or 9 track) and produce film of all symbolic files contained on the tape. Binary files on the same tape will be skipped automatically.

FILMER recognizes the line-feed, tab and form-feed characters and attempts to format the pages in the same way as they were created with the text editor. In cases where a line is too long, an extra line-feed will be inserted and the remainder of the characters will be printed on the next line preceded by a down-arrow. If the page is too long to fit in one frame, an extra form-feed will be inserted and the rest of the page will be printed on the next frame. In that case, the second page will be given a sub-page number; the second part of page 2 will be numbered 2-1.

Operating Instructions

The following operator commands allow the user to further specify his output format.

Sets the maximum number of lines per page to n.
Sets the maximum number of characters per line to n.
X-Y SIZE/n,m
Specifies the horizontal (n) and vertical (m) size of the image in scope points. These parameters and the page and line size will be used by the program to calculate the character size, line-feed, and spacing values.
If n=1, the program will draw a border around the page. If n=0, no border will be drawn.
If n=1, the program will print a heading at the top of each page consisting of the file name and page number. If n=0, no heading will be printed.
(Roll film only). If n=1, a cutmark will appear at the upper left hand corner of each page. No cutmark will be produced if n=0.
Used to specify an image positioning mark or cutmark. Parameters are used to specify number of hits, X position, Y position, width, height, and programmable intensity. Hits parameter may be set to 0 (zero) to negate command. Not to be used for fiche.
(Microfiche only) If n1, each file on the input tape will be filmed on a separate microfiche. If n=0, consecutive files will be filmed on each fiche.

Note: For microfiche versions of the FILMER program, the tape heading will be used as the fiche title. The program will calculate the maximum of characters that will fit in the title area according to the number of columns on the fiche. Three characters will be printed per image area, reserving the last column for a three-digit fiche number. The tape heading will be truncated if it contains more characters than are allowed in the title.

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