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Paper No 19: Displayers and Print Programs V3.5

R E Thomas

25 November 1975

The following changes have been made in V3.5.


  1. A new monitor command:
    allows the operator to select the vector speed 8, 4, 2 or 1 msecs.
  2. All displayers now reside in directory MON. The host packages are being changed to use SPEED OF VECTOR to differentiate between Hardcopy (8 msecs) and 35/16mm (2 msecs ). No separate 35/16mm displayer is now required, and no directories RF, HF, MF or CF are used.


  1. There is now a patch tape set up for these programs, along the lines of that used for the displayers. Currently, the following files in SYM will assemble an ACD version.
    Source   Binarv 
    IBM7     IBM;7TRK
    IBM7FI   IBM;FI7T42
    IBM9     IBM;9TRK
    IBM9FI   IBM;FI9T42
    ICL7     ICL;7TRK
    ICL7FI   ICL;FI7T42
    ICL9     ICL;9TRK
    ICL9FI   ICL;FI9T42
    SD4HC    SD4;BC
    SD4FI    SD4;FICH42
    48 times fiche programs can be generated by modifying the 42 times versions, or by assembling the appropriate fiche routines with
    instead of 
    The other two versions of the SD4020 simulator can equally be obtained by modifying HC, or by assembling SD4HC with:
    instead of 
  2. The monitor screen character sizes have been altered to be as large as possible. ICL 7-track print has a 556 bpi default.
  3. The ICL fiche programs have a new monitor command to control the meaning of PFCC's:
    When set to 0, the program will ignore any title records on tape and recognise #11 instead. When set to 1, the comma record will be interpreted as a title (#34).
  4. The following modifications must still be inserted after assembly:
    ICL Fiche         EXTRACT 
                      suited to PRFICHE title extraction 
    Note that if the 48 times versions of ICL fiche are generated by hand from the 42 times versions, it is necessary to re-input the TITLE after the pitch, margin, images and size of title have been reset
  5. IBM 7-track print programs will now accept the BCD code generated by the "translate on" option on the 360. The basic original IBM 7-track accepts "true" BCD.
  6. The standard for 7-track print is:
    No carriage controls 
    Fixed blocking 
    No labels 
  7. III Version 2 fiche, 7-track IBM, is in use since V3 has not yet been sent. No , title record is available.
  8. The standard IBM 9-track print is:
    ASA (ANSI) carriage controls   
    Variable blocking   
    The TN-chain characters are not available.
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